Saturday, June 9, 2012


What is healing?

Healing is to understand profoundly that you are one with God and God does not want you to be hurt or in pain. To heal means to restore to health and become sound and whole again.

“No one can hurt you without your consent” Eleanor Roosevelt

We come into this realm and dimension to learn, to experience to tackle our Ego, which Paramahansa Yogananda equated the EGO to the Devil. This makes perfect sense to me, as The Ego as I know is what causes suffering and pain and separation from the oneness with our creator, the same thing the Devil does!

                                      The Park Bench

“God does not want you to lead a miserable life, for he placed in the depths of your heart a desire for happiness. His glory rests in the Happiness of your heart” Khalil Gibran.

This saying graced the teenage wall of my room. I used a white piece of paper, painted and framed this quote as a daily reminder of my happiness in this world. I realized how we can make ourselves happy or miserable just by choice, but because of the desire connected with this statement drew me out of complacency.  Another book that helped me tremendously was Illusions by Richard Bach.

This book landed on my lap and the first thing I saw when I opened the book was “You are never given a wish unless you have the power to fulfill it...You have to work hard for it though!” This was like a splash of cold water in my face. The wisdom sank deep inside my mind.

So for people who are hurting and is in need of healing:

1.     Remember you are allowing the hurt into your life; let the healing begin by realizing that you are in charge and just as you let in the hurt now you can give yourself permission to remove the pain and the suffering.
2.     Torment, misery and pain comes from anger, anger comes from thwarted desires.  Desire in itself is not painful, but the attachment to certain results can be. Let go of the attachment to a definite result.
3.     Know that God/The Great Divine/Universe only wants you to be happy and that is why each and everyone is seeking happiness in their own way. Look around you and think of the most miserable person in your life (I know you know her/himJ), aren’t they really just deeply in quest of happiness?
4.     God wants you to be happy. This is the simplest answer to the whole puzzle of suffering and the EGO prevents you from having it, whom do you want to mind?  It is your choice. And, for people whose lives right now are extremely distraught and chaotic, make your decision now, not a surface decision but in your heart of hearts and observe how your life will change, sometimes it is a dramatic change and for some it may be a slow transition, according to your belief system or in relation to how much your physical domain can grasp.

I asked my master/guru one day “I want to see God now..!”  He replied with calmness “What is preventing you? He/she is here!”

So my beautiful readers, I bless you with profound healing today. I am here if you need me to guide you to your healing and becoming whole again.
With all my love and blessings,
 My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!


©alivewithadwiti LLC

Friday, June 8, 2012


The Queen’s visit

My father was getting all his orderlies ready to receive the Queen of Tripura at our home that afternoon. She was to stay with us for a few days. I was perhaps less than seven years old and I could feel the excitement in the household as my father made sure everything looked pristine for the Queen.

The Queen of Tripura was my mother’s youngest aunt and we all called her Syanumuma ( youngest mom). I had never met her, but her presence carried so much depth and enigma that I was already in awe of an actual Queen coming to visit us. It had been a few years since my mother passed away and I was really looking forward to her aunt’s visit, mainly to feel my mother in her presence I suppose.

The carpets were cleaned, the floors were polished and all the windows were sparkling!  I even helped by washing an antique Shiva’s statue with lemon and water making it look shiny and brand new. Full of pride at the work I had done with the grubby statue I showed it to my dad. 

He was speechless for a moment, put his head on his hands, then placed me on his lap and tried to explain to me that it was a very ancient statue and the grime that I had just cleaned was actually of great value. But his kiss made me all better as I continued to play and wait in anticipation of the 2 o’clock arrival.

We had many cousins living with us and at any given time there were at least nine kids ranging from seven to sixteen years of age in the house. It was a very busy household!

I am not sure now whether I imagined this or that it really felt that way, but I could smell her arrival. It was a faint smell of jasmine and musk as she entered through the front door. She was welcomed with garlands, khadas and happy smiles. Her presence was soft yet powerful, her posture commanding yet extremely humble, her speech was clear and authoritative yet not domineering, her movements were swift yet gentle. I watched her and absorbed all I could and wondered if my mom would have been the same way.

                                               knob femina

The next incident I remember clearly with the Queen is the reason why I am actually writing this piece. It was raining outside and Syanumuma was in the bedroom with all nine of us kids. We were just hanging out, laughing and visiting, exchanging stories and she was really trying to get to know all of us better.

She was sitting in the bed, she had let her hair down, it was dark and curly and rested below her shoulders. She was wearing a peach color printed silk sari. A little make up, perhaps some lipstick and kajal ( Indian eye liner). We were surrounding her, each one trying to get her attention. Her presence was soothing, comforting and regal. She quickly put everyone at ease with her very attentive energy, although when she was attentive she was very much owning and holding her position as the Queen. It was a beautiful and harmonized presence.

Shanti walked in with the tray of tea pot, sandwiches, cups and saucers ready to serve us in the bedroom.She was one of our house helps, and was from the villages and had little knowledge of Queens and Kings.

She paused at the door, glanced one by one, at all of the people in the room and then she said in our language “ Syanumuma can you please get me a table to put this tray?”

We were all stunned into silence! The oldest cousin was infuriated and reprimanded Shanti for such impudence and insolence. Shanti smiled and innocently said  “ She looks the kindest among all of you ..that is why!”

Syanumuma chuckled and after asking a few questions to Shanti invited her to come have tea with us.
                                            little ones

What a powerful lesson that was for me! Out of all the kids sitting in the room, that Shanti was familiar with, she felt most comforted by the Queen.

I realized then  the Real meaning of a Queen. It is not about what we portray, it is really the heart  of God that everyone can see, that is the Queen.

Hope I have brought some great insight into you day and I thank you for reading my blogs and really making progress. Here is to the the Queen within you!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

©alivewithadwiti LLC

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Greetings beautiful Mothers, 

Ask and it shall be given to you;
Seek and ye shall find;
Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
For everyone that asketh, receiveth;
And he that seeketh, findeth;
And to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
-Mathew 7:7,8

Receiving is quintessentially a beautiful feminine trait.  We take a lot of pride in giving, but we often forget that we are actually very receptive beings and the whole Universe actually participates in an infinite flow of give and take.

I am culpable myself of giving and having great difficulty taking. It helps me when I say “receive” instead of take. We often equate giving with generosity and spirituality and receiving with selfishness and greed.


It is the EGO at play. When we give, the ego in us feels superior and better, while receiving too can be of the ego, because the ego separates us from the other, so it makes us feel that we are taking instead of receiving.
The Earth receives rain, the rain receives the sun, and the wind receives the movement. The Rain gives the Earth, the Sun gives the rain, and the wind gives the movement, all in a beautiful cycle.

I want you to really look into your heart and wonder what you are intentionally not receiving, what are you stopping yourself from having?

This again is another deep question.
When we are one with God, we are one with the people, nature and all its glory. Receiving is an act of being one with what we want to receive. The belief that you are separate for what you want keeps us from not having that particular experience.  Belief is primary in the act of receiving.


As every woman has the potential to receive the egg to fertilize the baby is such a powerful deed that receiving becomes a powerful feminine characteristic. This does not mean that males cannot receive; it just means that males too need to open up to their feminine power to balance their lives, as we women need to do the same.

“At midnight ...I was awakened again...
By the soft nudging of the rain,
"Are you here for me?' I asked
"For us." was the reply.” © Adwiti

Today Mothers and others please become one with what you want and feel the experience enrich your life.

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Strategies Coach, Hypnotherapist and a meditation master. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!

P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

©alivewithadwiti LLC

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Greetings Goddesses, 

I fell asleep that night thinking about this active yet mysterious feminine power and how I could integrate all that in my life, or that I should. What the world was teaching me about how the male energy being the leader, came crumbling down as I recognized the truth that was profoundly uncovering into my awareness, this was something that I felt I knew but I had buried deep into my mind instead of letting it blossom. It was essential that I now looked for that buried seed and replanted it with care and nurturing.

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I embarked on an intensive study of the power of the female energy, I meditated deeply and fell inside the silence of my heart. After many years the emergent mother in me became stronger and  more powerful in all respects.

In deep meditation, I realized the need to really own my womanhood, to accept the beauty of it and then celebrate it.

First insight was that the mother, the female is the energy of CREATION, we create, we birth. Creativity occurs in the depth of silence and it is not the stereo typical silence that I am speaking of, this is the kind of silence you feel in your heart when you are connected to the Divine energy. You can be in the loudest of places and still drop into deep creativity within.

Today I want you to identify your creativity, the vision of you and your heart. This may take a little longer but just close your eyes, play your meditation music and then drop into your heart to embrace the original essence of feminine power of women.

With your eyes closed , make a shift from helplessness or confusion to creation, think of all the things that you have created in your life. Look around you, if you have created what you have this moment, you can create more of what you want and release what does not serve you. 


I believe in you and tomorrow, I will go more in depth about drawing from your unlimited power.

Thank you for being such avid readers of my blog. Please “join the site” and feel free to send and share the blog with other empowered beings.

With creativity and power I will see you tomorrow loving you even more..

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

©alivewithadwiti LLC

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Greetings powerful Mothers, 

Loving blessings my friends, Please remember that for the month of June, all the meditation downloads are 10% off! Please also feel free to share this blog or my website with your "loved" ones. I know they will appreciate it.

Last few days has been a wee bit hectic for me, had a lot going on I am hoping this week I will be able to bring you some actual stories and snippets that I know you enjoy so much, weaved into the topic of the day.

I usually sit before the computer at a certain time of the day to receive messages from the Universe for you and I tune in to the collective energy that I feel from my readers all over the world. 

Today I feel I need to help you receive the feminine energy, to accept and offer it back to the Universe. The intrinsic nature of the Mother, the feminine energy, depicts the fundamental force that perpetuates nature and its offspring.

When I was in Malaysia training to become a meditation master, almost a decade ago, I had an interesting experience.

Dr. Yong, was the teacher I was training under, he was very blunt about his assessments and did not mince words on how he saw  certain situations. His teaching was Zen like yet modern. I remember one occasion when I was deep in meditation he suddenly threw a coin, jolted me awake and asked me what the coin depicted. Startled, I started rattling about everything I could think of outside the box about the coin, intellectually smug, I thought I got him! He looked at me with searing eyes and said  “Seek not the known truth, just drop all opinions/judgments.”  


Of course I challenged him, I would right?  I started discussing about how a coin does not need judgment because it is inanimate and that his statement really did not quite make sense to me! The rest of the people meditating became very unnerved and I disturbed the collective peace that day.

Dr. Yong called me for a one on one meeting.  That evening, we met. He poured me a drink of green tea and made one statement. “Until you embrace your femininity, the mother within you, you will be stuck looking for yourself.” Then he simply left the room, intentionally to help me feel the message.

I drank my green tea in silence; the cup was white with a blue dragon  painted on it with its tail elegantly extending towards the holder.  The tea tasted slightly bitter but soothed my ego  with its warmth, perhaps even settled it a bit so I could digest the information with more ease. 

I looked out of the window, the green, lush blades of grass was swaying after the afternoon rain, droplets sparkled in the faint glow of the silver evening. It had cooled down quite a bit. I could hear the faint laughter of my classmates in the back ground. Subliminally I knew this was a very powerful message, and my physical domain needed to urgently capture that revelation and integrate it without losing momentum.

                                     Zen Grass

I will be sharing with you tomorrow more about the gentle force of Feminine energy and how you can harness the power to fulfill your dreams.

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

©alivewithadwiti LLC

Monday, June 4, 2012


Greetings beautiful souls,

Today I want you to meditate on all aspects of your life. Your mental, your emotional, your physical and your spiritual expression of your life and quietly let it generate a feeling of acceptance, move into the recognition of the process, receive it and then be in complete agreement of it. 

If at any given moment you feel a resistance, accept the opposition and let it slowly seep into your being.

Now receive the blessings you feel towards your life. Receiving is an intentional act.

You want more joy, be at one with joy, you want more peace, be at one with peace, you want more love ..BE AT ONE with love. 

Let us meditate on love right now....

What color is love for you? Imagine that color in front of you, now let that color, signifying love, flow into all levels of  your consciousness. Just close your eyes right now and receive that , feeling it pouring into the vessel of your being- your heart , imagine the heart expanding and turning into light.

Take few deep breaths and ENJOY LOVE that is intrinsically you.

Until tomorrow, remember to walk, talk and be with Love. Love is your best friend and respects , supports and frees you.

Loving blessings my friends, Please remember that for the month of June, all the meditation downloads are 10% off!

I teach Moms how to get to a place of clarity....if you have more questions from these questions, feel free to email me or comment. I will be happy to help you.


My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Strategies Coach, Hypnotherapist and a meditation master. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace
. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!

P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

©alivewithadwiti LLC

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Hello light beings, 

Today we are going to touch deeply into gratitude. Gratitude really creates the powerful feeling of NOW.

I want you to now indulge deliberately into this experience. Genuinely feel deep gratitude inside your heart, when you witness your gratitude  in your mind,  you will align yourself to great abundance. So now, close your eyes and start counting your blessings  and  feel each blessing like a miracle.

Feel  the appreciation  emerging  in your heart and spreading into your whole being. Do this now…

When you appreciate, when you admire, when you respect what you have in the present the Universe rejoices with you. When the rejoicing happens you open yourself  to the flow of infinite abundance. 

Whatever you appreciate will escalate, it is like giving yourself a beautiful gift. 


So now take out a piece of paper and start writing at least 5 things you are grateful for.

And then in the next 5, write down the things that you desire and be grateful for it like you already have it.

Deeply feel this, visualize this.
Thank the Universe for granting this, but after that let go of the outcome, because this or something better will manifest for you.

Next, write a Thank you note, letter or email to someone that has been in your heart and you have not taken to time to write them a note, written notes are personal and has your energy in it. It shows commitment and love.

I believe in you and I know you will make breakthroughs, as you have done before. I specialize in helping people make that critical shift from where they are to where they want to be.

Until tomorrow my beautiful readers, mothers, friends and perhaps foes J I especially APPRECIATE YOU, I am only a phone call 609-1251 or an away.
As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!

I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

©alivewithadwiti LLC