Saturday, April 21, 2012


As without.

Greetings Mothers,

Saturday morning, the day is just the way I like it. The nimbus clouds hang low in the sky, signifying some rain later, the steel gray color refracted into the day makes me feel like I am in some kind of a movie, where the mood of comfort is being established. My daughter is re-reading Daisy Meadows and her fairy books. Music fills the air with reassuring tranquility.

I am thinking about the conversation I had with a wonderful friend of mine yesterday at Starbucks. That is another fun, stress relief activity of the heart that we mothers can indulge in. 

Number one rule of thumb for mothers; make friends-like minded friends and visit with them once a week or twice a month. The only requirement you should have with this friendship is to absolutely REAL. Being real, being authentic is such a refreshing exchange and that in itself is so empowering.

We were talking about our kids, (believe me, our conversations are not all about kids)and she said something that we all know about but must make ourselves more aware of. “ You know Adwiti, all of last week I have been calm in my mind, emotionally I feel like I am in a place where I have found myself and that I have become aware of a deep healing that has been sent to me by the grace of God. But what is interesting is that my kids are calmer, they have been responding to me in a more composed fashion…”

That definitely rang a bell!

By around five months babies begin to realize that they are not part of their moms. When digging spiritually deeper, we know we are all one, we are just separated by our bodies or our egos.  

Mothers, I invite you to look back and realize how, the calmer you are inside your heart, the calmer your children are-your children can subconsciously feel you. This is why it is so important to take care of your heart and your spirit because the children are depending on you. And the best part is all you have to do is take a few moments for yourself everyday to nourish your soul. 

I just got a visual of a raging river and how the offshoots of the river flows the same way AND when the river is tranquil, the tributaries extend the serenity. You are the main river Mothers, and yes the storms come and go but the essence remains the same, you are the essence, you are connected to the source. You are like the river, strong, ever flowing and influential in all ways possible. Remember that!

Follow my blog by clicking on FOLLOW on the upper left hand corner of the page. Thank you!
Until tomorrow beautiful Mothers, stay beautiful like the River!
As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you! I also help moms via Skype sessions release limiting beliefs of themselves so they can really find profound success , fulfillment and peace.

Adwiti Subba Haffner

Friday, April 20, 2012


 5 ways to soothe a Mother’s soul

At the end of the day you have been through every emotion in your repertoire, you have worked hard, you have played fair, you have felt guilty for not being exactly what you perhaps wanted to be for your child, you have dealt with the public at large and maybe have had to be extremely patient at some point in the day, or that you have had to listen to a whining child/children all day. 

Interestingly enough I heard it in the John Tesh radio show a couple of months ago that the most annoying sound in the world is the whining of  kids, no- not the finger nails on chalk board, not even road work..whining.

“Finally, empirical evidence has arrived that whining is one of the most annoying noises ever. (As if you needed proof.)
In fact, childish whining is more distracting than the screech of a high-pitched table saw, according to a new study. To test people’s tolerance for various sounds, scientists asked them to do math problems in silence, and then while listening to talking, “mothers’” (aka baby talk), whining and machine noise. The results? Whining tripped up subjects with their subtraction more than any other sound.”

Frazzled  in our minds, we mothers, the nurturers of the family, the glue, the anchor have to still be the peace makers. These are all expectations that people around us have  and perhaps what we had of our own mothers- these expectation you see is quite hereditary!

Being the peace keeper and the peace maker can work only if  you have immediate access to peace yourself. When I say peace keeper I obviously do not mean someone who keeps the peace by not dealing with the issue at hand, this can have serious repercussions. I mean empowering yourself by being kind and loving to yourself first.

Here are some simple steps to set you on a soothing path. These steps are not going to magically make those stressors disappear, but they are definitely going to help you change your perspective about them.
.     Music is a great way to soothe and calm you nerves. Music helps  release the happy hormones, the serotonins and the endorphins which in turn boosts your mood and relaxes those frayed nerves. Perhaps soothing, gentle music can pacify irritated nerves and wash away the anxiety that your body and mind has held on to from the day’s events. Music is known to enhance creativity and spread harmony in the body. I listen to music all the time, well at least most of the time. While I am writing this is the music in the background, hope you enjoy it too .

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2 .  I get it!  Mothers, we don’t have that much time to do anything for ourselves. I am asking you for five minutes at first!  Start by waking up five minutes before everybody else does. Dedicate the five minutes to prayer.  Start the day with direct contact with the Universe/God. After a few days you will start to feel the subtle difference in your life. Then slowly graduate to about 10 minutes and keep increasing the time until you reach about half an hour to forty five minutes.

3.    First five minutes, pray, connect and access the infinite divinity within you. The second five minutes slowly state five things that you are really grateful for (abstract or real ) loudly or in your mind feel the gratitude and engage with the feeling of appreciation surging into your being.

4.    Set your phone alarm for every couple of hours and when that alarm goes off….      APPRECIATE YOURSELF. BREATHE. CONNECT AND SAY SOMETHING GOOD TO YOURSELF. Like “I love you” “ you are amazing” “ you are doing a good job” Just imagine a good friend next to you encouraging you and supporting you- yes- you are that good friend to yourself!

5.  At least once a week , sit down and drink a quiet cup of tea. Read magazines, positive , fun books or simply be, but schedule it in your calender. This way you are refueling, recharging and rejuvenating. Make this a habit and see the world of difference soothing your own soul makes. I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

Until tomorrow beautiful Mothers, Take care of you heart and soothe your soul

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you! I also help moms via Skype sessions release limiting beliefs of themselves so they can really find profound success , fulfillment and peace.
Adwiti Subba Haffner

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Greetings Mothers, 

As I drive my daughter to her voice lessons, I am wondering in my head what I should write about today for my blog. As I pulled up to the Art Center, located on the bluff of a beautiful bay area , the breeze was soft and caressing, the sky was a mild blue and this was a perfect spring afternoon!

My daughter ran straight towards the lemonade and munched on some animal crackers, her hair flying in the wind, as she waited for her friends to arrive. The lush green surroundings embraced the moment and brought me instantly to a feeling of comfort and acceptance.

While she was practicing, the staff at the art center allowed me to use the back patio. This old wooden house creaked a little and a brick was used to prevent the door from flying open.  
I pulled out my laptop and placed it on a table, a high round table with bar stools around it. This was my view…

I stood there and  yes, I looked back into my life and felt a deep sense of knowing and understanding of all the significant and insignificant events that brought me to this beautiful place/space in my life.

Acceptance is a very powerful platform to operate from because you no longer care what  other people think of you and what you should or should not be doing. You are now living from your heart.

Moms, today I invite you to look at yourself with unconditional eyes, with unconditional love and see how powerful that feels. I encourage you to accept who you are and where you are. When you do look at yourself that way, drop all judgments of self like you are dropping a dark cloak and you can truly see yourself for who you are.

Gratitude is yet another beautiful way of feeling empowered as well as moving from a state of lack to a state of have. Right now I am infinitely grateful for this beautiful view and this slight breeze that makes me feel at one with nature and the Universe.

Acceptance is knowing  that this is where you are supposed to be and not anywhere else. The lessons that you have learned and are learning is culminating to this very moment in your journey. Not accepting yourself will always put you in a mode of  “want”, want sounds like lack to the Universe and that very feeling that you are having you are attracting in your life.

Acceptance cannot be confused with complacency. Acceptance is saying yes, it is raining and I need an umbrella and rain boots and I am going to have fun in the rain. Complacency would be- it is raining, I don’t know what to do…I was expecting the sun to shine , I am disappointed-get the picture?

Expectation is a good emotion, you can ride this emotion with ease if you have no attachment to the results. Try it with little things at first, just for practice and then slowly evolve into the freedom of who you are.

Wherever you are now…welcome yourself into your life and feel the powerful shift , that will help you move forward with ease and grace.

Until tomorrow beautiful Mothers

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you! 
I also help moms via Skype sessions release limiting beliefs of themselves so they can really find profound success , fulfillment and peace.

Adwiti Subba Haffner


Wednesday, April 18, 2012


“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Children are such great teachers without being the authority figure that triggers so many emotions in most of us J.
Yesterday, in the middle of dinner being prepared, phone calls and time crunch for a lot to be done, my daughter reminded me something extremely important!

She brought out her pretend birthday cake and started singing Happy Birthday to you…to me. At first I was a little irritated because of the tight schedule of a school night, she had yet to take a bath, eat, read and then go to bed. I looked at her and said “ later honey, mommy is in the middle of a lot of things.” She replies “but it is your birthday can you be too busy to cut your cake!”

It was a sudden moment of awareness.  

We all get so caught up with time,schedules and juggling so many tasks, we forget to experience the joys of life and living.

The Birthday cake gave me many messages.

  1.  Time flies and each moment you can choose to make it your birthday or a moment saturated with everything else but the real reason we are here.
  2.  My daughter made me quickly aware of “living in the moment”!
  3.  To Laugh, to play to enjoy.
  4.  Not to be tightly bound-yes bound by schedules and tasks. They can literally stifle life and living. Now there are people who love their schedules and thrive in it( I am one of them), but by living in the moment you are inviting the excitement, the wonderment of the next moment brought to you as a miracle that you have not scheduled!
  5.  This is where the moment meets the miracle and that is called synchronicity.
  6.  When we plan too much, we are containing our lives within a box while life is supposed to flow freely with the help of the Universe/God. So once in a while, let go Moms and let life dictate your day, instead of the other way around, and see how the miraculous joys of life welcome you.
  7.  This makes me think of Bruce Lee’s famous interview “be water my friend” here is the link
  8.  Playing relaxes and draws out the inner child in you. No worries, no tension, no cares but to be…..It was a joyful moment, why not?

All of these insights visited me simultaneously! I dropped everything that I was doing and sat down and played with my  daughter.

Dinner can wait, tasks will always be there, phone calls can be returned ( that is why we have voice mails)but this moment, the beautiful interaction and contact with my child was eternal in this temporary moment…..

I thanked her beautiful spirit and her simple wisdom and have this in my heart as a lesson from the Universe which I felt the need to share.

When in doubt -play with your kids or grand-kids.

Until tomorrow beautiful Mothers, beautiful Child moms….PLAY!

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you! 

I also help moms via Skype sessions release limiting beliefs of themselves so they can really find profound success,fulfillment and peace.
Adwiti Subba Haffner

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Wonderful Greetings Moms,

When you release the judgment of self then you give yourself the permission to be you.

Judgment is the experience of not having met a certain expectation of either the situation or the person. As mothers we want to achieve so much. There is always something in the plate for us, and on top of that we have to be this amazing role model for our kids.

So sometimes we feel we must perhaps pretend for the sake of our kids, to be who we are not. Keeping up appearances can only spiritually impair us. The energy spent in being who we are not takes up a lot more creativity away from our true nature.

How can we be authentic? How can we, as mothers share our flaws and foibles with our children? How can we bring the spirit of being ourselves as role models to our children?

I just got back from “I can Do it” seminar presented by Hay House.  Wayne Dyer says let your children fail in things that they are attempting, because this shows that they are trying and failing is just a perception, and winning is just part of the game. The society nowadays has put so much pressure in winning and doing that the beauty of participating is not even recognized. The idea of corporation verses competition should be expressed more, so stress on kids are alleviated and well as for the parents.

So, tell yourself it is OK for the kids to see Mommy or Daddy fail sometimes. What is failing? It is simply a judgment call! Someone’s failure can be another one’s triumph.

I agree with you about becoming amazing role models for our children, but what is an amazing role model when it is simply a role, an illusion? Wouldn’t you as a mother want to be authentic and real with your child? And what is authentic and real? Our natural state is that of joy, love and happiness.

The misconception is that we think happiness and joy is something we attain or accomplish. But think of the last time you accomplished something, how long did that euphoric feeling last? Was it temporary and when you were in that “success” place was it what you had imagined it would be? Everything is temporary except what is within us.

The only way to feel that joy, that state of natural bliss is to move into it. How can you experience this state? By dropping all judgments of self. And even if it is for a brief moment let the bliss move into you, remember it happens little by little. Take it easy on yourself as well as others and know that all is well within the divine organization of the Universe.

Here is to being the real you..mothers.
As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you! I also help moms via Skye sessions release limiting beliefs of themselves so they can really find profound success , fulfillment and peace.

Until tomorrow..
Adwiti Subba Haffner 


Monday, April 16, 2012


Life lessons from Children

Beautiful Greetings Moms,

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.” Khalil Gibran

I read “The Prophet” by Khalil Gibran when I was a mere 16 year old and I have been profoundly touched by this poem in a deeply inspiring way. As a child when I read this, it made sense to me because I lost my mother when I was five, so belonging to life itself made perfect sense to me.

Through the years, this poem has significantly evolved in my mind and reached the core of my soul.

So for  mothers in all stages of their lives - new mothers, mothers who are having teenagers, mothers who are empty nesting…. please take a moment to breath and know that your children are perfect in their path and their wisdom of the world. They come with a spiritual knowledge of the path and we are here to walk with them, learn with them, guide them, be with them and love them.

Here are some easy ways to walk with your children in guidance.

Relax with the knowledge that the infinite organizing power of the Universe is at play and all you need to do is step into the “trust”, and flow with secure awareness from your heart.

If you believe in God, then know that your children are in his/her hands. Imagine placing your children in the divine hand of God and letting him/her do the work. If you let Ego do the work of God/Spirit then it might not deliver the results that Life longs for. How freeing it is to know that you  have now placed your children in the fertile soil of all creation, infinite possibilities and unconditional love.

When you come to a deep knowing in your heart that all of us are here for a purpose and in a journey, with our quota of life lessons (yes even our children) then hopefully your perspective of your burdens will be lightened and you step into your own “divine” nature, belonging to life itself.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask me or comment. I will be glad to hopefully show the insight within you.

With all my love and thank you for fulfilling life’s longing for itself.

You are beautiful.