Saturday, April 28, 2012


Greetings Beautiful Mothers,

Today was the German festival that was organized by my daughter’s school. I had volunteered to be at the rummage sale station.  The work started a couple of days ago. When I walked into the gymnasium yesterday almost half of the gym was filled with black garbage bags stuffed with donated clothes. These donated clothes are sold at the fair and all the proceeds go to the school. 

I was excited to see what the day would bring. One by one we sorted through each bag, organized and categorized them and by the end of the day the gymnasium  looked like a Chinese warehouse!

One side of the gym was dedicated to rows and rows of  miscellaneous items, like little decorations, trinkets , kitchen wares, I even saw some cassettes and cassette player, out dated TVs, Christmas items, glasses, cups plates anything you can think of , it was there!

The other side , well clothes, clothes and more clothes!!

                                                           Flea market

I love to watch people and this is what I was doing, there was not much I could do except to inform them of the dollar a bag deal. People came in steadily, looking for a find, some walked away with frames, some with lamp shades and a lot came prepared to buy clothes for their friends, grand kids, family and neighbors. Groups came and went filling their bags with the goodies, went to the festival ate those delicious German sausages and left.

One particular lady caught my eye. She was intensely feminine, had ultra pale skin and her red hair was loosely tied at the back. The contrast made her look very distinct yet she was shy and her mannerisms were that of a teenager.
She was picking up each article of clothing and if she did not like it she would fold it and neatly pile it  beside her, reorganizing whatever she rejected. She made no eye contact with me until I found something for her. It was an orange dress that had some Indian style design and when she put it against her, the red hair stood out, she looked beautiful!  

She shyly took the dress, folded it neatly into a small packet, compressed it with both her hands and placed it inside her bag, pressed it with some force to make room for more in that bag and said “ I don’t really go out much, I stay home most of the time. I am on disability for many reasons. I live alone and I cannot work. I stay home and this is the first time in eight months I have been out. I don’t even like to talk to people, but I feel like talking to you.”

This statement made me feel simultaneously comfortable and uneasy. After I quickly shifted from the initial discomfort I was able to look beyond her expressions and her words and  just simply saw her for her.

I made a connection with her spirit. She said she was forty but she really looked 19 to me. I wondered if I should invite her for a German sausage dog outside and listen to some music. My heart won this argument and so I invited her. After a little hesitation she agreed to join me and followed me like a little lamb and we sat on the benches and ate lunch together.


As the music trailed in the air, the inflatable bouncy slides added depth of color to the visual in the background, the white tents with the vendors and their wares, little children running around freely, laughter ringing faintly, transported me to a different dimension all together.

Her conversation was at once that of a child and also an hurt adult, innocent and irregular. We talked about butterflies, dried flowers and her heart break. I was engaged with her and she laughed and talked and told me a lot of herself, like I was her best friend. Then all of a sudden a silence descended upon her and she asked for some sweet tea. I walked to the stall to get her the tea and when I came back, she was gone! My eyes raced to  see if I can get a glimpse of her leaving in her car or walking away in a distance but nothing. And again, I was left there holding the sweet tea in my hands, feeling the contradictory moment of having met a stranger and having lost a stranger. 

                                  flea market

I am not sure why I am sharing this story with you but somewhere in my heart I felt that it had to be shared. That was just it, a happy day and moment caught with a stranger. I do not want to add a message to this and make it cryptic or forcibly enlightening. It was a mysterious encounter, almost surreal and definitely worth sharing with you! 

I walked into the gymnasium, looked at the mass of clothes, now in disorganized heaps all over the floor. Those old things that we hold on to, we think might serve us one day but really all it does is occupy space in our lives physically, mentally and emotionally. And right now at this very moment we can choose to let go of the old and start afresh with new ideas, new hope and a new you!

Until tomorrow mothers, throw away that which does not serve you and be present for the gift of now.

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I teach moms (also via Skype sessions) to identify and release the blockages that hold them back, to find within them the  empowerment to gain clarity of vision, achieve  their most audacious dreams and find profound success , fulfillment and peace.
©alivewithadwiti LLC
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Friday, April 27, 2012


Greetings mothers,

Mirth, gaiety and laughter is being served up today, in a plate decorated with joy. 
I had a session today with a beautiful client. After the initial interview with me we sat down for some serious work.

But the more serious I got the more she started giggling. At first I was a little surprised and I thought she may not be ready for this huge change/transformation in her life. I asked her if she wanted to proceed and she said she was quite determined to get the most of the session.

I know sometimes that giggling can be a form of nervousness, so I tried calming her. That did not work.

I decided to continue despite her giggling, and quickly found out that she had not laughed heartily in a long, long time. She said she has not felt comfortable enough to laugh merrily with anyone, as there was so much tension and frustration around her life.

So, we laughed the rest of the session and she promised to embrace the humor in her life!

Did you know that Merriment and laughter  has great advantages?
Here are a few:
1.    When you laugh you are reducing those nasty stress hormones and releasing endorphins into your system. This is the feel good hormone, so  you feel really cheerful.
2.    Lowers blood pressure.
3.    The only thing better than a good cry is a good laugh. Laughter has a cleansing quality to it, providing a wonderful emotional release.
4.    Laughter is a good calorie burner, it gives your abs, your diaphragm  , your waist line a good workout. I have laughed so hard that the next day by stomach muscles have ached.
5.    Laughter is a good way to connect with your heart, with the people around you and to give yourself the gift of joy.

How about an assignment for you moms.
Laugh heartily today, find something funny to share with your friends, laugh with your family, bring the joy of childhood into your lives. Make a comment to make me and the other readers laugh! :)

Write yourself a prescription of laughter and then take the dose without any limitations. Laugh with gay abandon and bring the delight back into your life. Approach living with a great sense of humor and guess what? Life will laugh with you and you will have a merry time with it.

Until tomorrow mothers, laugh like a child! 

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I teach moms (also via Skype sessions) to identify and release the blockages that hold them back, to find within them the  empowerment to gain clarity of vision, achieve  their most audacious dreams and find profound success, fulfillment and peace.

©alivewithadwiti LLC
©alivewithadwiti LLC
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Greetings Beautiful beings J,

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” Louis B. Smedes

Today's statuses in Facebook was agog with forgiveness, so I thought it might be a message for me. I know of people who are truly organized and schedule a whole weeks blogging-not me. I write what moves me now and that has worked so far.

Today let us nurture your heart. Your heart is like a beautiful flower garden. Your mind is the fertile soil that forms the main foundation. Your thoughts, the seeds. Your feelings and emotions , the results of your creation.

For your heart to heal, you have to acknowledge what you feel. Accept that there is perhaps no one in this world who has never been hurt before, it is the nature of life.

Sometimes in the fertile soil of our mind, we bury our wounds deep inside, thinking that it will never show up, or never grow. What we don’t know is that this seed will root and the creation will show up perhaps as weeds or even parasites. 

Parasites have a shoot and a root system, but the root is almost like a whole new organ, the haustorium. This root  surreptitiously invades and infiltrates  the host root, very much like resentment or un-forgiveness.

The whole idea about forgiving starts from self. I believe we can forgive people or circumstances faster than we can forgive ourselves. We can justify their behavior but we are hard on ourselves and cannot believe that we let ourselves become so vulnerable.
1.    Acknowledge the hurt in your heart. Accept your need to let go of the pain and  resentment.
2.    What was the learning?
3.    Let go of the circumstance or the person that has given you so much pain. See the antipathy leaving your being and your heart becoming whole again.
4.     And the most important step, FORGIVE YOURSELF. Whatever happened, had to happen, it is in the past now. Forgiveness is more about self-appreciation,  than about the other person - for you are giving yourself some peace of mind by letting the hurt leave your heart.
5.    Feel the freedom and move forward with an open mind and a parasite free garden.
Until tomorrow , plant beautiful seeds of love ,faith and courage.

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I also teach moms (also via Skype sessions) to identify and release the blockages that hold them back, to find within them the  empowerment to gain clarity of vision, achieve  their most audacious dreams and find profound success , fulfillment and peace.

©alivewithadwiti LLC

P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website www.empowerthemother.comto get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Greetings and salutations Moms,

Today was a busy day for me. I had plenty to do, but I have started to look forward to blogging with you guys. Between working with clients, taking care of household chores and driving my daughter to her respective after school activities, I definitely had to apply my 5 minutes of Calm several times day.

This 5 minutes of Calm is a stress relief technique that I have created to give me access to the instant calm within.

 It takes only 5 minutes !
1.     The first minute, find a quiet corner, even the bathroom is fine (no one will disturb you!)
2.     The second minute take long deep breaths.  Count each inhale and exhale for 10 seconds. This will send oxygen surging to the brain, the spinal cord and all your nerves and since the nervous system communicates with all parts of your body , your whole body will appreciate the energizing boost, calming your nerves and helping you find some clarity.
3.     Third minute; while still inhaling and exhaling deeply,  close your eyes and start relaxing your limbs, consciously sending relaxing energy to your legs , your arms and then your whole body.
4.     Fourth minute; Keep breathing and tell yourself everything will be okay. This sends signals to your brain and the Universe to make things okay. This statement is basically aligning yourself with the highest intention and letting God/Universe help you. You are not alone.
5.     Last minute of the five: Give your hands a hand massage, rubbing them together, massaging each finger, as you wiggle your toes, hold your head up high and take a deep breath, smile and open your eyes to a new perspective.
Bonus: Smile 

Do this several times a day, it is  a mini recharge session. University of Wisconsin-Stout study found out that a few minutes of meditation, can help with feeling positive as it charges up the feel good parts of the brain. But you don’t have to worry about studies and statistics, you only have to take  5 minutes for yourself and believe me, you will feel so much smoother and calmer in your daily activities.  Make this a regular habit for your own peace of mind!

Take five mothers!
Until tomorrow beautifuls, Enjoy your day!

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I also teach moms (also via Skype sessions) to identify and release the blockages that hold them back, to find within them the  empowerment to gain clarity of vision and achieve  their life-long dreams and find profound success , fulfillment and peace.

©alivewithadwiti LLC
©alivewithadwiti LLC
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Hello beautiful mothers from all around the world,

There is one thing common amongst all of us  and  that is-we invariably forget to treat ourselves like we would like to be treated. Life is a reflection of your heart. This statement is quite bold, but  reflect for a moment.  How are you treating yourself? Are you kind to yourself? If you are , you are bound to be surrounded by kindness. 

The way you treat yourself is the mirror to the way life treats you!

Let me share with you some ways of showing yourself some kindness.

1.     When a negative thought creeps up, accept the thought. You know that it is impossible to not have a negative thought or emotion. It is only human. The most important thing is to receive this thought without any judgment, because when you pass judgments on your thoughts, you are giving it energy assisting it to persist. Don’t even fight the thought. Just accept it objectively, like looking at the weather. Then reverse the thought into something pleasant and let it go, let the Universe do its work. You have done yours.

2.     If the person you loved and adored the most in the entire Universe was with you, every step of the way, how would you treat her/him?  Imagine that person is YOU! Now go and treat yourself with that much love, kindness and encouragement.

3.     Write down qualities that you love about yourself , or ask a friend to e-mail/mail  you what she/he loves about you and you can return the favor.( let me see how many of my friends e-mail me with this request :)! This is a very deep, bonding and powerful experience  between friends and yourself.

 This beautiful flower is potent with self love, let it be a symbol of how you feel about yourself when you look at it!

Enjoy loving yourself Mothers..
Until tomorrow , be kind to yourself!
Please follow this blog by clicking on "follow" on the top left corner of this page. Thank you.
As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you! 

I also help moms via Skype sessions to find Clarity, deep insights and then translate that into success and fulfillment in their lives. 

©alivewithadwiti LLC

Monday, April 23, 2012


Greetings Fabulous Mothers,

A comedy of multitasking events led me to writing this blog and made me research a little about this topic and as usual share the story and the research, with you.

It was a typical Saturday around lunch time. I was making some  noodle soup for my daughter. I made the broth with some celery, tomatoes, onions, garlic powder and organic chicken legs. The broth was boiling and the delicious aroma filled the air.  

I have an open kitchen, and my laptop is always running on my desk which is adjacent to my kitchen counter top. While the broth was boiling, I decided to pull out the leadership course that I was taking. I opened the PDF to page 19 and started reading. Face book was on,  gmail instant message was on as well.

I got a phone call, I glanced at my caller ID it was from my cousin in Pennsylvania. I could not miss that, so I put on my headphones connected to my land line and we embarked on our normal bonding conversations.

 While we were on the phone, I was also reading this course which was open.  I then got a text from an excited weight release client,    “Yippee I lost 5 pounds this week!”  to which I replied  “ ek chin hai” which means wait a minute in my language and I replied to my cousin on the phone  “ Yipeeee..I am so excited for you and remember it takes four weeks for you to notice your body changing…..”     I heard a perplexed silence on the phone, the text reply   “????”, obviously she is American.

I quickly rectified the situation without even thinking that I might be doing too much, because somewhere I remembered an exercise blog, or Youtube video  saying  “do not just talk on the phone, you are wasting your time. Do some leg lifts or squats.”  So yes, guess what I was doing now while I was texting, reading, cooking, talking on the phone -  I was also doing some leg lifts!

I then had the audacity to remember that I had to get my notepad from my office ( in case I got bombarded by ideas!).  The moment of truth struck me like a lightening-I saw myself in the office mirror! Notepad in one hand, cell phone in the other, head phones on and doing leg lifts!!!  

The delicious aroma of the broth quickly deteriorated into a burnt smell wafting in the house. My daughter ran into the house from the backdoor after playing with her dog, a pug named Momo, “ I am hungry and my lunch smells burnt, what are you doing mamma?”

I took some deep breaths. I told my cousin I will have to catch up later when I make time to nourish our bond further. I turned off the stove and made my daughter some peanut butter and jelly sandwichs. I went to turn off the computer and I noticed that I was in page 26. How was that even possible? I cannot remember reading those five pages, leave alone consuming any information.

A satori moment , this was! There was so much “doing” going on, I had to check where my “being” was.

Mothers, we are not jugglers! This type of juggling act is really giving the whole world a very stressful energy. We are doing too much, trying to succeed, trying to achieve so many things in the world that we forget to connect with the source, we forget to be ourselves, we forget to be in touch with the wisdom within and most importantly we forget who we are.

"People can't multitask very well, and when people say they can, they're deluding themselves," said neuroscientist Earl Miller. And, he said, "The brain is very good at deluding itself." From this article:

When we multitask, I believe that all the tasks do not get the attention it deserves and each one gets diluted results.

So today, forget about being superwoman….I invite you to do one thing at a time if possible and do it 100%. This will help you become present and fully aware of the moment. You can live each moment with concentrated awareness bound to bring meditation in each moment, enjoying the beauty of each occasion, each task at hand, making each moment as joyful as you can.

Until tomorrow beautiful Mothers, Enjoy your day!
Please follow this blog by clicking on "follow" on the top left corner of this page. Thank you.
As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you! I also help moms via Skype sessions release limiting beliefs of themselves so they can really find profound success , fulfillment and peace.
©alivewithadwiti LLC