Saturday, May 19, 2012


Greetings beautiful beings,

Thank you for participating on this journey of  revelation with me! Please feel free to share with me your experiences.

Today, I want to keep it short but deep and meaningful in what you will be doing. If you take this exercise sincerely then it will benefit you in more ways than one. This may serve as a valuable and treasured message for you in the years to come.

Please be sure you are reading this when you have a few moments to yourself, because this is like a meditation in itself and requires some reflective thought.

Imagine now, you are 80 or 90 years of age. Much of life has passed and you are lounging in a hammock and enjoying the sunset somewhere in a resort or your own backyard.

Now, write a letter to yourself.

In this letter, I want you to advice yourself about your current life. 
How should you be living your life? 
What choices should you make? 
What should you be doing? 
What work should you do?  
What opportunities should you take? 
How much should you laugh?  
Would she/he ask you to enjoy life more, stress less, stop worrying, what else what she/he say to you? 
What is she/he saying to you about you particularly?
What advice is she/he giving you?

Write that down or even have a deep, meaningful conversation with her in your mind.
See what comes up, you will be very surprised. ENJOY the process!
Feel free to share with me what comes up!

I sincerely hope you will do this for yourself .
With Love,
Until tomorrow,
Adwiti Subba Haffner 
Hi, My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

©alivewithadwiti LLC

Friday, May 18, 2012


Greetings my beautiful, amazing mothers,

Today I want to emphasize the importance of taking a break. I have too many clients come to me after they are already burnt out!


Wherever you are, whatever you are doing right now, stop and take a few moments to simply acknowledge and appreciate yourself. Close your eyes and summon the positive images and smile to yourself and say " You're soooo fine, baby!"

But in this very fast paced culture that we live in, our values are shifting on a daily basis. Our  society is constantly celebrating the doers , we give so much significance to achievements and  measured successes, that we are making a fast descent into idol worshiping only success, where success seems to be GOD. Not that I am anti-success , but the worshiping of it skews the well being of the society at large.

To rest is to rejuvenate and reconstruct. To rest is to refresh. To rest is to renew. To rest is to get in touch with the real you, the core being, the one that knows no limitations, and to recognize intimately the spirit that you were born with.


Why do you need to rest?

 You need to rest in order to:

  •        To communicate with yourself. Charity begins at home.
  •         To recharge your own batteries.
  •         To nourish your soul.
  •         To heal your tired body and spirit.
  •         Let yourself know how much you love , value and cherish yourself.
  •     To have a deep inner relationship with with yourself. Often  times it is easy to forget while fostering external relationships.
  •         To have a deeper connection with God/Universe .

How do you make this happen?

·       Once a week make a date with yourself, actually log it in your calendar.

·       Shift your consciousness from doing to being.  Balance is key.

·       Make a list of things to do and add “Rest for an hour”.

·       Make yourself a nook. Make it a comfortable inviting place. Surround this alcove with things you love and admire. Then negotiate with your family that when you are in your nook no one can disturb you because while taking care of yourself, you are taking care of them.  One morning I was doing my yoga and my then 5 year old daughter kept disturbing me, wanting my constant attention. She then proceeded to emotionally blackmailing me by saying “ mamma, I feel you are neglecting me and not taking care of me”.  I replied back “ Darling, Mommy is taking care of you really. Exercising as you know makes mommy healthier and fitter, when mommy is healthy she can take care of you better.”  She understood and has never distracted me again.

·       Give yourself permission to just do nothing , sort of like a pink pass to a guilt free rest because you deserve it! You are the Queen of the house but you have to believe that, you have to promote that to yourself,  that is the most important step.


Hope all these tips help you shift your paradigm and you are on your way to a balanced and healthy reality.

I believe in you and I know you will make breakthroughs, as you have done before. I specialize in helping people make that critical shift from where they are to where they want to be.

I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

©alivewithadwiti LLC

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Greetings Beautiful Mothers, 

Exploring the power of coincidence I bring you this wonderful anecdote, I know you will enjoy!
It was around Christmas last year that I met this photographer lady, it was an immediate connection that we decided to explore over lunch or a cup of coffee. We exchanged face book names and our business cards.

After six months of facebooking, texting, emailing with her, we finally settled on a place, date and a time ! Kitty’s café for breakfast at 7:45 AM, 16th May.

As I ran out of the door I reminded my husband to add eggs to his grocery list.

Since the café is not that far from my house I decided to walk , but because I did not calculate my time correctly I ended up running the last leg  at top speed holding my hat and clutching my pretty little purse so when I reached the destination, I was half panting, half coughing and fully embarrassed!

I ordered a tall glass of ice water and sat down to meet this wonderful lady who patiently smiled through my coughs, my panting and my apologies !

After the initial flurry of activities mostly from my side, I settled down with a cup of decaf coffee, a little self conscious because of my energetic entrance.

She was just like the photographs that she takes, there was something deeply intimate and personal but abstract about her connection with life, I could see it in her eyes as she glanced around the room. I felt her perceiving angles that would not just relate with her but also profoundly with her audience.  I have always loved her photography. It is not the obvious, observable shots that  communicates with me, but those mundane things that emotes life in such a way that excites my imagination and facilitates my connection with her journey.

We were exchanging stories about our kids as all mothers’ tend to do. She ordered a fruit plate and I a cup of oatmeal.

We talked about each other’s work and I passionately explained to her about the work I do and how I help people to trust the flow of the Universe, to make that internal shift from hopelessness to faith, from darkness to light, from really where they are to where they want to be.

She carefully mixed the muesli in the yogurt, she took a spoonful and a little excitement touched her eyes “ Yes, I love it when that happens” she said enjoying the yogurt. “Something so interesting happened a few days ago! My son wanted to play the Trombone. I had no idea what, where or how to connect all the parts together to make this happen, leave alone how much those things would cost!”

“Wow, I would love to hear him play, I love music as I grew up in a very musical family.” I quipped

“Well, when we started to look around for one, I realized that those things were not cheap! It was going to cost us quite a lot of money which at that particular moment was not quite in my budget! The company had a loan arrangement which came up to quite a ridiculous amount to shell out each month. My son grasps financial situations very swiftly, and he started to back track and even suggested that he would simply not play the Trombone! Of course he was devastated although he was managing a brave front! ”

She took another sip of her coffee and with her slow, deliberate movement brushed her bangs away from her face, “Well, I looked at him and told him with conviction that he would get this instrument no matter what! So I walked outside to take a breather. I don’t usually check my facebook messages on my phone, but that day something urged me to.”

The waitress came around asking if we wanted more coffee, we both asked for a little top up! She continued her story as I ate my oatmeal , sipped my coffee and listened.

“Well..guess what?”

“What?” I said in anticipation.

“The facebook message was from a friend of mine and it read “I am not sure what your son has picked as an instrument but I have a brand new Trombone that my son used only once and I can sell it to you for $300!!”

“What?” I exclaimed, excited but not surprised!

I had chills as I high fived her and said “This story is so going on my blog tomorrow! Can I share please?”

She nodded and smiled with her eyes that had a lightning connection to her heart. “Click” she went in her mind of this moment, I am certain! We promised to do breakfast again and this time sooner than the six months that it took us, acknowledged the soulful girl talk we so need and parted ways  feeling a little richer in experience and a little deeper in connection.

I had appointments the rest of the day, but when I got home my husband had forgotten to get the eggs, and we were going to eat breakfast for dinner ! Well, a little later as I was preparing to make some tofu, the phone rang and believe it or not, it was our wonderful neighbor calling to offer us some freshly laid eggs from her sister’s farm!

The Universe has her own intelligence and language which we should not try to decipher, analyze ,activate or interrupt. We should simply participate with our hearts and mind open to her profound wisdom. Life is beautiful!

I believe in you and I know you will make breakthroughs, as you have done before. I specialize in helping people make that critical shift from where they are to where they want to be.

*All photographs are taken by Michelle Carol Stancil. Please  like her Facebook page: *

Until tomorrow my beautiful readers, mothers, friends and perhaps foes J HAVE FAITH, I am only a phone call 609-1251 or an away.
As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!

I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

©alivewithadwiti LLC

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Greetings Mothers,

Middle of the week, let’s kick it up a notch-no not work wise but inspiration wise. Just want to help you strengthen your healthy habits and inspire you with a few reminders!

1.     Wake up earlier than usual and soak in a quiet moment before you turn on your TV,  computer or any social media.
2.     Do something every day, one task, one step, one thought that will help you get closer to your dreams.
3.     Think about that one person that has inspired you in your life and ask what she/he would do different right now to fulfill that dream that you have been desiring.
4.     Every time you see a mirror, SMILE! Studies show that when you smile at people they tend to trust you more, now enhance the trust you have for yourself!
5.     Praise yourself, let the voice of criticism in your head be  drowned by your powerful voice of praises and compliments .

Mothers I would also like to invite you to go to my  website www.stressreliefcds.comand sign up for my free abundance e-course!


I believe in you and I know you will make breakthroughs, as you have done before. I specialize in helping people make that critical shift from where they are to where they want to be.

Until tomorrow my beautiful readers, mothers, friends and perhaps foes J get inspired, I am only a phone call 609-1251 or an away.
As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Greetings mothers,

Tuesday and it is just the beginning of the week! I know how that feels, I am enjoying the triumphs of my clients today and listening to their stories. 

But yesterday I had an opportunity to be heard. I was talking to a friend of mine whom  I have not been in touch with for a long time. The most touching and interesting part of the conversation was not the conversation although it was delightful, it was her listening skills that got me.

She was patient, she gave me enough time to complete my whole thought and then spoke up when she felt I had enough time to express myself, there was no  hint of impatience, or trying to get her point across aggressively, she was one with me. When I felt that oneness with her, I was able to do exactly the same for her, I have always been known as a good listener ( I love it and I also have to be, with the work I do), but when it was demonstrated to me in this way, it made me feel loved and completely engaged in the moment.

Are you a good listener?  Communication is not just about talking and having your feelings and words heard, a whole lot of it goes into listening too, it is a two way street. Listening can really bring a huge part of calm in your lives, because you are simultaneously receiving and giving. 

Have you listened to yourself, your heart lately? I request you to take a moment now and just listen to you, your depth, your imagination and your wisdom. There is a wealth of resource, right there within you.

The power of listening is very simple. Listen with your heart and understand  what people are saying and sometimes their words might be saying something different than their hearts, so feel with your heart and invoke the guidance to respond accordingly.

Today, I can invite you to do some active listening without expectations from them or from yourself with your husband, your child, your friend or even your neighbor and enjoy the fruits!

Mothers I would also like to invite you to browse through my website and download some meditations for your peace of mind!

I believe in you and I know you will make breakthroughs, as you have done before. I specialize in helping people make that critical shift from where they are to where they want to be.

Until tomorrow my beautiful readers, mothers, friends and perhaps foes J Listen with your hearts and if you want someone to listen to you, I am only a phone call 609-1251 or an e-mail away.

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Monday, May 14, 2012


Greetings Mothers,

The photograph that graces the cover of Time Magazine, is getting to be quite controversial and it is interesting to see all the viewpoints and arguments of mothers and others. If you haven’t seen it yet, it is a photo of a 26 year old woman wearing skinny jeans and  a black top, with a 3 year old standing on a chair quite precariously, breast feeding!

Having grown up in Darjeeling, India..I guess it makes me a little immune to such controversies because we were exposed to an assortment of experiences that the breast feeding photo really does not offend me, at all. Okay, so Time Magazine has sensationalized it a little, with the child standing on a chair instead of how breast feeding is usually done but nursing is very intimate and innate. I recall lots of children being breast fed until they were six or seven years old and I don’t remember eye brows being raised! 

When we went to the bigger cities, where rivers of people crowded the streets and nursing moms walked around begging for food for themselves with babies hanging off their teats, making the gesture with all their five fingers joined together as a symbol of eating and touching their mouths, I felt a whole lot of compassion and sadness. This is a common site. So does this picture with this lady affront me? No.

What I believe as a mother is that at any given time, please check with you heart and do what is in alignment with your spirit. America can be a very faddish nation, if something is popular then everybody seems to follow suit, at one point with the South Beach Diet, Orange juices went down in demand throughout the nation!! hah!

The most important thing is to know that the child comes into this world with her/his lessons. Your child will be fine if you are fine.

If you want to breast feed or not, it all depends on how you feel. Not, how you are made to feel, by books, media or group think. If breast feeding works, well and good, if not then know that either way you are doing the best for you baby and be solid in your stand for that.

Books cannot tell you how to live and what to do, it can give you an outline of the writer’s experience, but it can never show you your exact path. When I left home at eighteen, I asked my father for one most important advice and he said  “Listen to what everyone has to say but make sure you make your own decision, because it is your life.”  I have lived by this rule most of the time and it has served me well through the years. Sometimes it is easy to forget that you do have access to your own wisdom, and that it is always available for you in the quietness of your mind, so use that and gauge what do what is best for you, it always works! 

Until tomorrow my beautiful readers, mothers, friends and perhaps foes J I invite you to feel  with your heart and if you have trouble finding that wisdom within you I am only a phone call 609-1251 or an e-mail away.

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Dearest Mothers from all over the world,

Thank you for reading my blogs and getting inspired to be the real you, full of light and love. I will always hold the highest vision for you in my meditations. Yes I meditate for all my readers and send them love, healing and compassion.

Today,being Mother's day  I decided to ask my six year old some questions and share it with you.

Me :  What is a mother?
Daughter:  A mother is love.

Me: What should I do to make myself  happy?
Daughter: How hard is it to be happy mamma? Just be happy..that’s it!

Me: How should I take care of myself?
Daughter: Eat, you should eat vegetables, carrots, good for the eye, Drink water so you don’t get dehydrated, eat protein and oh lots of carbs, popsicles as well!

Me: what should I do when I get frustrated?
Breathe, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale and do yoga. Also hold your temper in your mouth and then blow it out, like you are chasing it away…chase it away…

Me: What do you enjoy most with me?
Daughter: Cuddles, Snuggles, playing and having fun!

Me: What should I do when I have a problem?
Daughter: Meditate

Mothers remember to:

1.     Honor yourself, by listening to your heart.
2.     Worship your own divinity by knowing that you are indeed divine.
3.     Clear the channel to your heart to receive all that the Universe has in store for you.
4.     Find a quiet moment to nurture your inner and outer beauty. A face mask, beautiful music and going within to connect with your wisdom.
5.     Feel the immense connection with your children and Thank the Universe for sending them to you to take care of them and love them unconditionally.


With all my love and blessings, 
