Saturday, July 7, 2012


Greetings Beautiful people,

I have exciting news!

I AM starting a weight loss challenge starting today! Anyone who wants to get on on this challenge please email your intention  at

Jump in tumbling
I have many clients come to me for weight release, so I thought I would start a challenge here.

1.     Start today with an intention to become healthy, overall.

                                                  Red Pepper

2.     Close your eyes, take a deep breath and offer your body a commitment to honor and respect it. With your mind’s eye become aware of each part of your body and send it some grateful energy, because what would life be without it.

3.     Then I ask my clients to check their pantry and carefully weed out everything that they do not  need to be consuming, or if they have to, just in moderation. Those include: chips, anything fried, junk food, alcohol-especially beer, white bread, white rice to name a few and replace with lots of vegetables, whole wheat goodness, brown rice, legumes and healthy unprocessed food.

                                              Shopper in the market 5
4.     Write down your goal weight and a specific time that you are going to achieve this weight.

5.     Now, proclaim it to your friends and family, so you get the support. If you have a close friend who wants to release the weight with you, a buddy system is great.

So, for the first day organize your thoughts, your goals and your support system. Get a Coach, she can really help you get to your healthy weight. I am here even long distance to help you if you need to find the inner guidance and support.

Tomorrow I will be writing about the mind set!

Until then, make up your minds and enjoy the day with a light exercise, plenty of water and a great attitude.
Collection of my favorite spices!

Hope you have a wonderful day. I will see you tomorrow. Feel free to share this blog with your friends, or tweet it or like it in Face book. That would help me a great deal..Thank you!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Friday, July 6, 2012


Joyful Greetings,

Have we been successful in cultivating the spirit of Love?  Once we relinquish the fact that we are the ones doing all the work then the spirit is unleashed.

When you look at other things; people, places and outer objects as the real source of your happiness you are cutting off the real source. The Real source is the Great Divine or God or the Universe.

We have made it so difficult to put our entire trust on something we cannot even see. This is the challenge and the resolution.

                                      giving hands

The dichotomy of life; there are so many invisible effects in our life that is inexplicable, but so simple- like breath. Breath is what makes or breaks us, literally! But this too is invisible.

Faith, trust and belief are all governed by one single phenomena-LOVE.

Our ego’s tendency is to seek security and attach itself to a thing that temporarily gives the feeling of safety; this allows illusion of separation from the source and blocks the genuine celebration with the abundance of the Universe.

If you really want attachment , then intend to connect with the source at all  times, aspire to be fastened deeply with the real resource, the true supply , giver and provider of life and living.

                                      Drop of Ecology 2

For a quick exercise, every time you feel the threat of a disconnect, For e.g. when you start feeling angry, frustrated, stressed and irritated imagine a beam of light connected to the crown of your head from the heavens above, feel the light energy cleanse you and you become an instant channel.

With this quick application, you will be able to make an immediate shift.
This same beam of light is the connection with your happiness, love and life.

Thank you for being so wonderful,
Until tomorrow

Sharing the wonder of you
Adwiti  Subba Haffner
Hope you have a wonderful day. I will see you tomorrow. Feel free to share this blog with your friends, or tweet it or like it in Face book. That would help me a great deal..Thank you!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Greetings beautiful ones,

Feel free to share this blog with your friends, or tweet it or like it in Face book. That would help me a great deal..Thank you!

Yesterday we had a blast! The weather was acting up a little bit, but after the slight thunder storm, nothing was going to stop us from paddle boarding, kayaking, inner tubing and skim boarding.

Right after the storm I attempted the Stand up paddle board on choppy waters, I insisted! Standing on the board I was going to weather the stormy bay, I had never done this before. The waves were rocking the board back and forth and sideways. Much balance was needed and my husband’s ( the surfer) expert advice. “Paddle..Paddle..Dig deep….get some elbow in there..” and his voice trailed as I moved forward.  

While I was paddling away, a  boat made a huge wake on the water and off I toppled, out of the paddle board crashing into the water, holding on to the paddle, so as not to lose it and then desperately looking for the board itself until I was able to hang on to it. I heard my family and friends in the shore hooting and howling. 

My daughter came running to the end of the pier.  I got back up, proudly and balanced back on the board, slowly digging into the water inching my way to shore. As I passed the pier I affectionately looked at my daughter “ aaahhh..sweetheart, you came to check on mamma?”

“No mamma, I wanted to see if you would fall again, so I would get a close up shot of it!”

I laughed so hard, I fell of the board again, she jumped into the water when I found my way back up on the board. She crept to the front of the paddle board and we both paddled back to shore.

Remember to have some fun, to laugh at yourself and not to be afraid to make a fool of yourself. In our society we give so much importance to hard work, seriousness  that we forget to value the other side of the coin..The light side! 

Enjoy your light side. When is the last time, you laughed wholeheartedly?  When was the last time you gave two hoots and made a fool of yourself? I invite you to do that and see how freeing that is!

Hope you have a wonderful day. I will see you tomorrow. Feel free to share this blog with your friends, or tweet it or like it in Face book. That would help me a great deal..Thank you!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

My daughter skim boarding and fishing

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Greetings one and all, 

HAPPY 4th of JULY! Independence day for Americans, we have a barbecue planned at my brother-in-law’s place, with paddle boards,  Hobie cats and kayaks, with lots of outdoorsy fun in the sun!  

4th of July is celebrated because of our freedom as a nation.
Now, here is the question- I know I gave it away in the title itself.

What is freedom to you?

                                   Kite Flying

In one of Janis Joplin’s songs which my sister used to belt (the best rendition ever) she crooned “Freedom is just another word, with nothing left to lose…” This line has a great deal of depth in it. This line has the essence of almost all religious philosophies in it.

I know, freedom is different for everyone.
I want to challenge you to find out what Freedom means to you with a few questions. I know deep down we all want to be free!

1.   What allows me to feel the freedom in my life?
Write down as a state of consciousness, which means without really stopping to think what freedom means to you.
Without the knowledge of what freedom means to you, you will never be free.
Write it down, whatever you want. Remember this exercise is between you and you. Be free in writing about your freedom, do not delete thoughts, or limit them, this is the fun part of the exercise.

After you have written these wonderful thoughts, the second question is:

2.   Why do I want for e.g. Money/travel/time etc?
3.   How will having this make me a better person?
4.   With whom do I want this?
5.    What does freedom mean to me?

Although we are intrinsically free, in our minds we have imposed many restrictions. Freedom is also very much a state of mind and exists within you. 
Here is to freedom! Enjoy today!

                                   American Flag

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Greetings beautiful beings,

Expecting to feel like a million dollars when you wake up every day is almost impossible. As humans we have our ups and downs, the ebb and flow, especially as women we have our monthly cycles to negotiate with every month. We must nurture our sense of “feel good’ and worthiness as a cumulative effort to reach our true worthiness within.

Our success in every walk of our lives is like a sack with a drawstring. The tighter you close the drawstring the lesser is allowed inside the sack. We always have the option to fully open the sack, or undo the drawstring altogether.

                                       Lost in desert

 We sometimes have to make a conscious effort to find and appreciate our own loveliness within ourselves. I admit sometimes it can get hard to do that, so I have a suggestion. You can enlist your dearest friend, brother, sister to help you.

E-mail, text, call a close friend and ask him/her to send you a 5 things that they love and appreciate about you. Tell your friend that you will return this favor immediately. It is a fun game to play with your children, too. I play this game with my daughter quite often. The most favorite thing she loves about me is that I am the greatest “cuddler” in the whole wide world. That absolutely makes me feel magnificent!

                                       Evening by the beach 2
I did this with a friend of mine who was feeling a little down, while driving to work one day. Her whole paradigm shifted and her heart became more alive.

I caught a sentence from one of the episodes of “Avatar-the last Air bender”, which my daughter was watching (she even has Avatar dreams).

“It is good to believe in yourself, but sometimes it is not enough and you need some help from your friends” ..Uncle Iroh

                                                      Two girls on Marina beach, chennai
So let your friends believe in you sometimes when your own starts to waver, so you can rebuild your own, stronger than ever.
 Hope you have a wonderful day. I will see you tomorrow. Feel free to share this blog with your friends, or tweet it or like it in Face book. That would help me a great deal..Thank you!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Monday, July 2, 2012


Greetings Mothers, entrepreneurs and everyone who reads my blogs,

I have extended THE 10% off ALL DOWNLOADS this month as well, since I had such a great response. Just click on the "purchase information" link and it will take you to the download links. Thank you.

Chinese garden #2
Today I invite you to  enjoy few encouraging elements to make you feel great.

1.     Create a  quiet space in your home so you can center yourself. Make that area clutter free and serene. In this space you can either meditate, read or simply be.


2.     Exercise, the benefits of exercising is many but the best part of it is that it releases these awesome endorphins( natural pain and stress fighter)  and makes you feel instantaneously great!

3.     Indulge in a little self care. Book a massage, write in your journal, reconnect with yourself.

                                          Still waters
4.     Take a walk in nature by yourself and make the time to simply connect with your heart.

5.     Take a day off and do only things that you want to do, give yourself that award for being the most wonderful you there is!

                                                         foot spa
Hope you have a wonderful day. I will see you tomorrow. Feel free to share this blog with your friends, or tweet it or like it in Face book. That would help me a great deal..Thank you!
My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Greetings beautiful beings, 

As an avid soccer fan I had e-mailed, face booked a bunch of friends and relatives to watch the Euro 2012 Soccer game finals with me via Skype, phone whatever would be necessary to  experience the enthusiasm and the gusto that we used to have when I lived in Asia, as you know Americans haven’t quite taken to soccer or the other way round….

Time check: 1 AM central, all ready with my hummus and chips, my TV on..when my daughter’s nose starts to bleed profusely. Abandoning the game I tend to her. It took all of half an hour to stop the nose bleed and for me to get back to the game.

Limpid eyes she pleads, “Mamma, we talked about watching Brave...can we please watch it? Please Mamma...I have been waiting for it forever!”

Any mother knows that she cannot resist going to the movies and bonding over the theme, the songs and creating a little more magic in their lives, and right after her nose bleed? She managed to tug at my heart strings.

“Well, darling...I have a game that I was waiting to watch...”

“ can always watch a re-run….let’s go mamma...”

With a kiss on her cheek, I relented and off  we went to adventure "Brave". My close friend from Atlanta had e-mailed me the reviews and had wanted to hear my impression of the movie; I too had been longing to watch it.

After the Movie....
Set in the highlands of Scotland, the mist, the mountains, the water and  the Scottish music transports you immediately to a mystical world of enchanting forests, secrets, magic and  mother-daughter dynamic skillfully portrayed through a female archer Princess and a Queen.  We settled down, the cozy twosome with popcorn and sprite and I watched my daughter’s eyes light up when Merida the main character an independent, strong and free-spirited red haired heroine, conquers a difficult cliff, free hand rock climbing. The glee in my daughter's face increased the dimensions ( if there is any)  of my heart.

Without giving away too much of the plot the spiritual and Shamanic connotations are very apparent; the mist, the bear… now whether this is purely coincidental or deliberate, the bear symbolizes female energy, as they hibernate to reconnect with the earth and come back with answers to spiritual dilemmas. To the American Indians, a bear represents wisdom, insight, power and also healing.

The movie deals with the age old parent-child conflict but has an interesting twist where the mother and daughter are forced to look into each other’s hearts beyond language and traditions. This increases the tempo and the intensity of the movie. 

The Will-o'-the-wisps kept the movie magical and enchanting just as a mother-daughter relationship should be.
Mothers I invite you to go for a movie date with your daughter/daughters and watch Brave. I also encourage you to look at each other’s hearts and spirit beyond what society has compelled you to do.
“To change your fate
Look inside
Mend the bond
Torn by pride”

Enjoy….I will see you tomorrow. Follow the Will-o'-the-wisps..aka your intuition, your heart!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC