Greetings beautiful beings,
As promised I am back with the worry issue.
Nothing is permanent, not the happiness neither the
sorrows. If it is not permanent then why worry… right?
Everyone is familiar with the experience of worry, and we
all know someone in our lives that are “Chronic worriers”.
But people love to worry because it gives them something
to do with their mind. Some people worry because if they don’t, they feel
guilty for not caring enough.
I have a client that came due to her chronic
worrying. She said that she has insomnia
because she cannot stop thinking about all the situations and the consequences
that could happen in her life with her
or her loved ones. I asked her a few questions.
Me: “When do you worry most?”
Her reply: “all the time but especially at night.”
Me: “When did you start to worry?”
Her reply: “When I was a little girl, my mamma worried
about me all the time, even if I went out to play she would worry about me and
she let me know that she was worried.”
Me: “So it is a learned response.”
Her reply: “yes”
Yes! Worry can be a learned response.
Me: “So, you feel that worrying can control events? Tell me
one time when worry has prevented something from happening.”
Her reply: “I cannot control events!”
Me: “so why do you worry?”
Her reply: “It is just a habit and I can’t seem to stop
Me: “Okay we are
going to stop this habit starting today. “
We then embarked on a beautiful session where I used
hypnotherapy to uncover the cause of her worry and within 4 sessions she had an
improved mind and became a happier more fulfilled and freer person.
Worry is negative prayer. Much has been expounded about
the Law of attraction, I know I don’t have to get into… made popular by the
movie, The Secret, but when you worry
the same energetic vibrations are at play.
Worry has an unpleasant effect on your body, mind and
soul. Worry has never been known to help anyone. Worrying can lead to a number
of disagreeable consequences. I have known children who would do something
daring and not have the parents in the know because of the worry threat.
Worry is self created and it is a needless passage to
fear and pessimistic internal and external atmosphere.
Some simple tips to stop worrying:
Know that worrying is not going to change the outcome, so
why inflict such negative energy into your being.
When you start to worry, just imagine a happy outcome,
but remember to not get attached to the outcome. The imagining of the happy
outcome can alleviate your worry.
If it is something that you CAN work on, don’t
procrastinate, just do it and get over with it.
I also advice my clients to send some angels or spirit
guides to the person they are worrying about. This seems to help the most. I
guess it is because it is replacing the worrying which is “doing” something for
that person with something positive. They actually feel it! Recently, I had a
client who was having problems with her daughter, who was basically hanging out
in the house and wasting her life watching television and eating junk food.
Talking to a teenager can be a little dodgy because of how sensitive they can
be nowadays, so we sent her light and I guided my client to imagine her daughter
going back to school and generally improving. Well, when I had the next session
with the same client she excitedly said “
have got to hear this!! My daughter has gone back to school to get her college
degree and is working two jobs!” You
know that this client is a happy camper!
Remember that outside events are nothing that you or I
can control, it is pretty organic...but you can control your mind.
Let me help you control your mind and change any behavior
you want in order to be successful in life!
And Remember I BELIEVE in you!
Take a breather and lets takes this flight into the abundance of your heart, let us unlock the Palace of Plenty, in all ways possible. ALL MEDITATION DOWNLOADS 10% OFF click here |
My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!