Saturday, June 30, 2012


Greetings Mothers and all who are reading my blog ,

If I had to get everything done in a day that I want to do, then I would have to wake up at 4 AM and sleep at 3 AM.  Exercise, yoga, meditate, write, read, study, cook, clean, go to the beach and enjoy the sugar white sand, take care of my daughter and spend ample time with her, be a wonderful wife by spending time with my husband and then top it up with working with my lovely clients.

Since I cannot fit everything thing into my busy schedule I choose the ones  that mean most to me and rotate it around. It makes for a wonderful life. I choose to go to the beach today!
                                                  Peaceful Beach

The sugar white beaches are calling me  today and I will indulge on a little Rest and Relaxation , giving myself the much needed “me” time. I will bring my Milan Kundera book “Laughable Loves” and enjoy his dreamy style of writing, where I feel that I am suspended in some kind of psychedelic light work of words and images, he draws me away from everyday happenings and takes me to this mysterious world filled with dreams and absurd emotional experiences that  expands my mind – to uncomfortable depths and extensions.

I invite you today, Saturday to go on a date with yourself and do something that you have been longing to do and then let’s talk tomorrow.

The sugar white sands and umbrella in hand I was there.

I am also putting together a ladies retreat here at the beach...Spa, massage, yoga at the beach, yummy health food and group sessions with me to reach your potential through inner harmony!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Friday, June 29, 2012

IN LOVE............

Greeting great ones,

Rejoice and fall deeply in love with yourself! 

Confucius says “ If you find the job you love, you will never work again”.

What do you genuinely love to do? It is Saturday tomorrow, what are you gravitating towards?
Your own power and dignity lies in the nature of who you truly are. Are you giving up the approval-seeking psychology of childhood?  This mind set can distort our lives in many ways.

                                                    Happy Valentine's Day  2

“Follow your bliss” famously written by Joseph Campbell, will lead you to the life you are enjoying each and every moment. Of course, I am not at all saying leave whatever job you have right now and follow your bliss, I am only mentioning that you can flow with life and keep your mind and heart open to opportunities and other prospects that may spontaneously come your way.  When you are in harmony with your own nature, then doors open up effortlessly and life becomes less of a burden and more of an enjoyable experience!

Write a love letter to yourself if you haven’t already . In this love letter express all the wonderful feelings you feel for you. “Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies and they themselves commit” When people are in love they feel infallible, strong and unconquerable.
Let us now rise in love with ourselves. Love your own nature, when you deny your own spirit then you are denying your own power.

Be in love with yourself and make it easy.

                                      Love Letter

Invoke that initial feeling of love and this time let it be for you and feel that for yourself. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are.   Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, you are beautiful or handsome, not in the egotistic way, but in a loving way, a way that forgives all flaws and defects. Like a mother looks at her child, unconditionally!

Give this wonderful gift to yourself today, this morning and communicate your inmost love for yourself, for when you are loving yourself in spirit you are loving  a HUGE  part of the Universe/God.

All day long, proclaim to yourself “I love myself” “I am wonderful”  “I am beautiful because my life is beautiful”.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your own spirit and your true nature. It is GLORIOUS!

With love and in love,

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Good afternoon mothers,

Just another day here as the sun has presented the day with the sprawls of heat making outside conditions almost unbearable-the humidity is making an amphibian out of me! I am and will always be a mountain girl , although the  years away from the crispness of the air has been cumulative,  it has not broken the continuity  of fresh air that my being craves for,  like a second channel in my mind.

This morning after many attempts to get my daughter out of bed, she succumbed with a series of half-hearted attempts and finally pulled herself out of bed. She had to be at art camp by 9 AM and she was moseying out of bed at about 8.

She wanted bacon and pancakes for breakfast which was not as quick as cereal!

The art camp is about 20 minutes from our home. After a succession of threats, promises, cajoling and finally giving up she scrambled in the car with her favorite soft toy, marshmallow, a bunny. Even the toy bunny had an attitude!

Her Toy Bunny

The sun was keen as a polished knife, the traffic  was hectic and as we were entering the canal road which is just a one lane traffic, a car towing a huge fishing boat, pulled up in front of us! 55 miles/per traffic and this boat pulling car in front of us was doing a maximum of 40 mile/per hour. I absolutely wanted to scream! 

I decided to calm down and enjoy the drive with my daughter who had a fascinating dream.
“Mama..overtake the car.. this is bad..we will be late”
“ It’s fine, it is not school and let us simply enjoy this time together, so did you sleep well darling?”
“ Yes, I had a dream..”
“tell me about it..”

“Well..there was a beautiful beach. From the beach I could see a lot of dolphins. The sky was very blue and then suddenly an Indian girl came to the beach and she was wearing an old, drab  sari… She started singing beautifully. She was happy when she sang and the more she sang the more colorful and vibrant her sari became…..”

“Wow.. how beautiful was your dream !”


At that moment, it did not matter if we were late, if she had behaved sullenly and was belligerent towards me. The moment stood still and infinity flowed into the instant. I am glad we slowed down. I am glad we were late. I am glad we shared that beautiful moment inside a car.
My heart opened up to gratitude and deep appreciation of synchronized moments.
God bless you  all reading my blogs….I want to let you know all products in my website is 10% off. Please take this opportunity to expand your mind and achieve your dreams.

Here is the most recent testimonial “I must admit when I first listened to your CD, I was somewhat skeptical about what it could do for me. Especially, when it put me to sleep each time. But, thanks to your patience in helping me find the perfect time to listen to it, I am reaping the benefits of your program. I have found the inner strength to get a great start on the weight I wanted to lose, and I am sure your help is a big part of that determination to stick with a program, as well as making the important lifestyle changes necessary to succeed.” Susan Harlan

Have a mindful day!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Greetings mothers and all reading my blogs..

Just a quick reminder that all meditation downloads are 10% in

Just a few reminders today for you to have a great day:

1.     Do that one thing that makes your happy, excited , exhilarated. Even if it is for a short while..connect with the passion that makes you feel alive and ageless.

2.     Draw upon your spontaneity- Do something unfamiliar, different and in the moment , but nothing unwise! That adrenalin rush is really worth it and this will invoke and extract new experiences in your mind.

3.     Find something in your folder that is near completion but you have procrastinated, then don’t think twice move into completion and experience the accomplished feeling-now have a quiet cup of tea and read your favorite poem or book.

4.     Call someone , a friend, your sister ....and give them a genuine compliment, or just call a loved one to say you love them.

5.     Celebrate who you are by appreciating yourself and your journey.

                                     Rejoice 3

Have a fabulous day! 

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Greetings beautiful beings, 

As promised I am back with the worry issue. 

Nothing is permanent, not the happiness neither the sorrows. If it is not permanent then why worry… right? 
Everyone is familiar with the experience of worry, and we all know someone in our lives that are “Chronic worriers”.
                                         Lomo girl 

But people love to worry because it gives them something to do with their mind. Some people worry because if they don’t, they feel guilty for not caring enough.

I have a client that came due to her chronic worrying.  She said that she has insomnia because she cannot stop thinking about all the situations and the consequences that could happen in her life  with her or her loved ones. I asked her a few questions.

Me: “When do you worry most?”
Her reply: “all the time but especially at night.”
Me: “When did you start to worry?”
Her reply: “When I was a little girl, my mamma worried about me all the time, even if I went out to play she would worry about me and she let me know that she was worried.”
Me: “So it is a learned response.”
Her reply: “yes”
Yes! Worry can be a learned response.
Me: “So, you feel that worrying can control events? Tell me one time when worry has prevented something from happening.”
Her reply: “I cannot control events!”
Me: “so why do you worry?”
Her reply: “It is just a habit and I can’t seem to stop it”
Me:  “Okay we are going to stop this habit starting today. “

We then embarked on a beautiful session where I used hypnotherapy to uncover the cause of her worry and within 4 sessions she had an improved mind and became a happier more fulfilled and freer person.

Worry is negative prayer. Much has been expounded about the Law of attraction, I know I don’t have to get into… made popular by the movie, The Secret,  but when you worry the same energetic vibrations are at play.

Worry has an unpleasant effect on your body, mind and soul. Worry has never been known to help anyone. Worrying can lead to a number of disagreeable consequences. I have known children who would do something daring and not have the parents in the know because of the worry threat.

Worry is self created and it is a needless passage to fear and pessimistic internal and external atmosphere.

Some simple tips to stop worrying:
                                                                happy 2

1.     Know that worrying is not going to change the outcome, so why inflict such negative energy into your being.

2.     When you start to worry, just imagine a happy outcome, but remember to not get attached to the outcome. The imagining of the happy outcome can alleviate your worry.

3.     If it is something that you CAN work on, don’t procrastinate, just do it and get over with it.
4.     I also advice my clients to send some angels or spirit guides to the person they are worrying about. This seems to help the most. I guess it is because it is replacing the worrying which is “doing” something for that person with something positive. They actually feel it! Recently, I had a client who was having problems with her daughter, who was basically hanging out in the house and wasting her life watching television and eating junk food. Talking to a teenager can be a little dodgy because of how sensitive they can be nowadays, so we sent her light and I guided my client to imagine her daughter going back to school and generally improving. Well, when I had the next session with the same client she excitedly said  “ have got to hear this!! My daughter has gone back to school to get her college degree and is working two jobs!”  You know that this client is a happy camper!

5.     Remember that outside events are nothing that you or I can control, it is pretty organic...but you can control your mind.

Let me help you control your mind and change any behavior you want in order to be successful in life! 
And Remember I BELIEVE in you!
Take a breather and lets takes this flight into the abundance of your heart, let us unlock the Palace of Plenty, in all ways possible. ALL MEDITATION DOWNLOADS  10% OFF click here
My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Monday, June 25, 2012


How to soothe yourself…….

It was 10 PM and I was in my pajamas, re-reading and deliciously enjoying Autobiography of a Yogi, which had transported me to another world of mystics and miracles. I was reading that part where Paramahansa Yogananda goes to meet the woman Yogi who never eats.

My phone started ringing and somehow it always manages to have an urgent  tone , so  I had to extricate myself from the book as well as the mood to pick up the phone. I checked the caller ID and it was a friend of mine going through some bad times. She has frequent anxiety attacks and needs someone to soothe her.

My backyard..this is where I sit and change my perspective, balance, heal...
We spoke for about half an hour and I was able to help calm her down.

I also gave her some helpful tips to self soothe herself and she said that it was really effective in managing her stress level. I thought it would be a good idea to teach those tips for some people who are struggling to cope with anxiety and stress issues.

I advise you to make full use of all your senses because those are the very elements that produce stress.

1.     Change your perspective, by changing your venue. Even going to a different room helps sometimes. Take a walk into nature and feel its capacity to heal, transform , withstand and thrive. You are part of nature! 
2.     Listen to happy music, listen to music that soothes you. Dance, exercise.  Listen to the waves of the ocean or the sound of the rustling of the leaves, perhaps the sound of crickets..just be mindful and let the sounds soothe you..surrender to the sound and always know in your heart that if you can go into anxiety mode, you can choose to become calm. Listen to some of my meditation Downloads..they are 10% off now :)

3.     Meditate..drop into the deep stillness of the heart and connect with the Divine.
4.     Mantra- Mantra literally means instrument of the mind. How are you playing the instrument. Become aware of how you are communicating with yourself. If you have a problem remember it will not get solved by intensifying your worry. Be of clear mind and know that you are not in control of outside circumstances. Be free in your mind.
5.     Look at the mirror and tell yourself “ I am strong and I can handle this. Everything will be alright.”

Tomorrow I will tackle the age old tension booster “worry”.

And Remember I BELIEVE in you!
My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC
Please remember that all of these wonderful downloads are 10% off this month!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Greetings Mothers and everyone who reads my blog,

So, yesterday  this very charming mom friend of mine, enjoyed a few moments of adult talk with me in the din bustle of kids playing in the park. A birthday party in full swing and she says 

“ Yesterday when I was talking to you , I think I said something that I entirely thought I said it in my head but it came out wrong…”

“What were you trying to say?” I asked.

“ When I meant above, I meant North west.” She closed her eyes as if thinking deeply and  looking at me intensely, took a deep breath and then came a little closer and said “ This is what happens to me a lot of times, I say something but I mean something else.” She tossed her head with a half smile and pursed her lips tight!

“Ahhh..” I said.

But before we could proceed with the conversation, we  were  called for the cutting of the birthday cake and the conversation came to an abrupt halt! All mothers are familiar with that right?

This conversation catapulted me into thinking about all the conversations we have with everything and everyone in our lives, especially with the Universe. 

How can you communicate the real meaning to your loved ones, to your friends and everyone you meet? By keeping it simple! Ask yourself quickly. What do I want from this interaction? Do I want to be assertive, do I want to be communicate love, like, dislike? Articulate first in your mind and then converse. 

What are you communicating with the Universe. If you are clear about what you want, then the Universe will offer it to you. The way you are communicating with the Universe is through your thoughts. Keep your thoughts specific, simple, pure and direct. 

I am here for you helping you step by step to communicate with you the way you really should to get powerful results in your life.


My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!

P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC