Saturday, July 21, 2012


Greetings beautiful beings,

Hope your weekend is beautiful. The 2 week weight loss challenge was over yesterday. I know a lot of you have benefitted from that. A few people wrote me about their success. Do me a favor and write a quick note to , or something in the comments section, I so want to hear from you and feel your triumphs and trials. Thank you in advance.

Today just wanted to give you a quick reminder of some daily habits that you can incorporate in your life to make your life more peaceful:

Daily Habits:

1. Meditate when you wake up....

        falun gong       

2. Be kind to someone close to you, although you know he/she will forgive your bad behavior.

3. Write on your gratitude journal

4. Appreciate yourself

5. Connect with nature

Mountain River, Downstream

6. Everything you do, do it with focus and the best that you can do.
7. Visualize an amazing day ahead.
8. Read a good book or some great articles, or watch a feel good movie.

     Reading books at home
9. Eat unprocessed, healthy food, go vegetarian for a day or a week to just clean your system

10. Look at the mirror and always see your authentic self, the one that is made of love.

Namaste~ Adwiti

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Certified Personal Transformation Coach. I teach women and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "subscribe to be inspired" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! 
                                                   girl dancing

Friday, July 20, 2012


Using The law of attraction to lose weight

If anyone here thinks that the Law of Attraction is the latest fad or a unique concept, then you are in for a surprise. This concept was popularized by “The Secret” and thank goodness for that, because this book unlocked a lot of spiritual mysteries making it more available for all seeking wisdom  in this realm.

                                            Summer Joy 2

“ Ask and ye shall receive” The Bible

“The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument.” The Gita

The main theme of Law of attraction is what you think you attract.  In the superficial level this sounds really easy. What I think I attract, so you mind is saying I have been thinking slim, so why am I going the other way.

 You attract what you are, not what you want!

                                              happy girl 1

Thought is a bit of a complex animal, because the unconscious thoughts also become reality. So if in your mind you have always thought that you are going to put on weight, but you are trying not to, then the main thought takes precedence.

The most prominent  thought , the strongest idea will make its point and follow through.
So easily explained but challenging to comprehend in terms of how layered we are in our beliefs, views and opinions of ourselves and those around us.

What is the core belief of your weight loss? This is the question that you have to ruminate on deeply and then change it to what is comfortable, believable and in the positive for you.

1.     Let the strength of your desire to lose weight influence your actions and your results. The commitment you have made two weeks ago strengthen it each day by focusing on yourself, your well being and all the tools that I have given you.

                                          Posing fun

2.     You need persistence and determination to make it happen. Have patience and know deep inside you that it will happen.

3.     Visualize….Visualize…Visualize….This is the most important tool of Law of attraction, since visualization is also thoughts in images, imagine yourself into the body of your dreams. Always make it positive. When you reach out for that fried dumpling, or a sweet treat think of your flat tummy, this is an instant motivation to help you make the right choice.

4.     Be willing and open to your intuition. You may be reading this blog because your health needs immediate attention and you need to lose that weight and make a lifestyle change. When my clients first start my weight loss program, I make it a point to let them know that this is a journey, not a little sprint!

5.     Affirm…Affirmations are like mantras. Mantra literally mean instrument of the mind. When you look at your mind objectively at any given time, your mind is saturated by thoughts…..thoughts that you may have about yourself, others and circumstances, but these thoughts are always unique to your interpretations. Check it out! Are you scolding yourself?  Or are you being kind to yourself. Are you encouraging yourself  or deprecating your self esteem.
 So when you are making positive affirmations, aloud if possible, then you are saturating your mind with good encouraging thoughts and moving towards success and fulfillment. 

When you are feeling great, you attract good things. When you feel slim, you attract the slimness in your life.

                                       girl in pool

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-- that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Certified Personal Transformation Coach. I teach women and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "subscribe to be inspired" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! 
                                                   girl dancing

Thursday, July 19, 2012


How to motivate yourself into losing weight

10 proven ways:

If you stick with these 10 proven ways to motivate yourself, success is guaranteed!

1.   Listen to a weight release hypnosis CD in the morning and at night. It will relax you and activate your sub-conscious desire to reach your weight loss goal.


2.   Go back to DAY 4 of the weight loss challenge and re-establish your whys...This is the juice of the program, if you have enough reasons why you are losing weight or why you want to...then the reasons are the driving force.

3.   Be around  people who are health conscious and are living a wholesome life. Now, you know this works right?

4.   Look forward to your workouts! YES! I can’t wait to get on my elliptical and watch a little movie, listen to a book on the IPOD, is my time! The time that I carve for myself and I covet this moment! After my exercise I feel my feel good hormones surging through my system! Yoga makes me feel strong and centered! Jillian Michaels, makes me body hurt, but then I feel a sense of accomplishment when I cannot lift my arm, or my leg :)! Think of exercise as an enjoyment, something like play and not a task!

5.   Every week create your weight loss plan. My clients love this system!  They enter the time they are going to work out and they also make a meal plan!

6.   Let your goals be realistic! Have the one year goal, but let each week be realistic, so when you attain it you feel triumphant, thereby creating more success.

7.   Affirmations are the key to your success! Keep positive index cards all around you, where they are mostly visible, as reminders for your success.   Affirmations like “I love my slim tummy!” “I am slim and sexy” “I enjoy wearing pretty clothes” “I enjoy my size …..".

8.   Write down all the benefits of losing  your weight. No matter how shallow the benefit might be, be real with you when writing this and read it every morning!

9.   Get an old pair of jeans, shorts that you looked fly in...Or buy a new hot pair and hang it in the front row of your closet, where it is visible every morning when you change!

10.               The most important element is to celebrate your success. Each goal that you achieve, every milestone you reach, remember to reward yourself!  Enjoy a manicure/pedicure, a spa day, a massage, a good book when you reach one of your mini goals! And when you reach your goal weight, go for a swimsuit party or have one!! J

Bonus tip: It took you a long time to put on that weight so Be patient with yourself….you can do it! 

                       Raised Hands 2

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Certified Personal Transformation Coach. I teach women and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "subscribe to be inspired" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! 
                                                   girl dancing

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Vision Board..

Vision Boarding is a fun tool to include in the weight loss program, it is a visual representation of what you would love to achieve. Our mind sees, or feels, or thinks in pictures because everything that we see is like living photographs. 

How moved do you feel when you are confronted with the vastness of the ocean, how expansive do you feel when standing in front of beautiful mountains….pictures and photographs can evoke similar responses in your mind and your brain. These pictures and quotations can propel you forward toward your dream if you utilize this tool properly!

                                       Session on the beach 1

So with the vision board you are capturing images that are going to motivate you to success.

1.     Gather magazines, photographs, pictures, letters, quotes and a Poster board, scotch tape, glue stick.
2.     Set at least an hour or two just for you!
3.     Put on some soothing, happy music and start.

                                 on the beach

4.     Meditate on what you see yourself doing, being having in the future, perhaps six months from now.
5.     Begin from the center. The heart of the vision board should reflect the spirit of the whole board.
6.     Choose images that evoke powerful emotions, let them all speak to you directly. Let the desire of your heart be splashed in that board. Giving it energy and oomph.
7.     Then lay out pictures, images, quotes wherever you are guided into placing them.
8.     Keep all images and quotes in the positive!
9.     Place this vision board where it is visible to you all the time. You can even take a snapshot of this and use it as a wall paper for your phone or your computer.
10. When you look at it, envision yourself already achieving this goal and bring up feelings that make you feel excited and creates a sense of urgency to achieve that goal by taking actual action steps.

Enjoy making your weight loss vision board!

Enjoy your day and I BELIEVE you are reaching your goal weight!

 With lots of love and support,
Feel free to share this blog with your friends, or tweet it or like it in Face book. That would help me a great deal..Thank you!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Certified Personal Transformation Coach. I teach women and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "subscribe to be inspired" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! 
                                                   girl dancing

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


DAY 11 – Mindful eating..

When I did the Art of Living Course in Kathmandu, Nepal there was an exercise that we did that made me sit up, meditate and made me powerfully aware of the present.

We were all asked to sit cross legged, close our eyes, take deep breaths and simply become aware of the moment. Then one of the helpers placed a fruit in our hands, with our eyes close we were then instructed to put the fruit in our mouths. 

                                                        Wine grape

There was a different set of instructions for “eating” the fruit, which by the way was a green grape.

1.     Roll the fruit around your mouth, without really biting it. Feel the texture, the quality of the fruit in the mouth.
2.     Then we were asked to eat the grape taking as much time as possible, enjoying the flavor, savoring the taste and the essence of eating.
3.     Then we thanked the fruit for the nourishment that it provided us with.

Just eating that one single grape was ceremonious! I enjoyed the experience so much that I wanted to incorporate that in my everyday meal (when I I did J).


Many of us take eating for granted. Food is such a necessity but we have learned to simply be on auto pilot with eating, this is called mindless, senseless eating. 
1.     Become attuned to the moment, your body and your intuitive hunger. Every time if you ask your divine self the choice between something healthy or something cholesterol laden food, you know what your divine self would pick right? So before you eat, ask your spirit if this is what your body needs at the moment. Chances are you will be guided.
2.     Respect your own inner wisdom even while cooking. When I asked my very spiritual and slim friend how she stays so slim, she simply said “ When I cook, I ask my inner intelligence to guide me with the preparation and she has never failed me!” Well, this friend of mind looks like she is in her twenties when she is really mid-forty!
3.     Connect with the food, for it is nourishes you, it enters your body and becomes a part of you that will support you, give you energy and vitality.
4.     Before eating, say a little prayer or send some appreciation to the Universe.
5.     When eating, become respectful of the food you are consuming. Take your time to eat. 


When we were little we were not really allowed to read, sing or play while eating. The elders used to say “ Unna dewta  ( God of Food/Universe/God) needs respect when you eat!””. Again this is now making a lot of sense. Most of us eat our food in front of the computer while working, watching TV, texting and perhaps facebooking....Mindful eating is about respecting that time and space and honoring your body and the food!  In fact mindful eating is fast becoming a movement in the spiritual world!
Here is to cooking and eating mindfully! Blessed be your food for today and always…

 Enjoy your day and I BELIEVE you are reaching your goal weight!

 With lots of love and support,
Feel free to share this blog with your friends, or tweet it or like it in Face book. That would help me a great deal..Thank you!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Certified Personal Transformation Coach. I teach women and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "subscribe to be inspired" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! 
                                                   girl dancing