Thursday, July 19, 2012


How to motivate yourself into losing weight

10 proven ways:

If you stick with these 10 proven ways to motivate yourself, success is guaranteed!

1.   Listen to a weight release hypnosis CD in the morning and at night. It will relax you and activate your sub-conscious desire to reach your weight loss goal.


2.   Go back to DAY 4 of the weight loss challenge and re-establish your whys...This is the juice of the program, if you have enough reasons why you are losing weight or why you want to...then the reasons are the driving force.

3.   Be around  people who are health conscious and are living a wholesome life. Now, you know this works right?

4.   Look forward to your workouts! YES! I can’t wait to get on my elliptical and watch a little movie, listen to a book on the IPOD, is my time! The time that I carve for myself and I covet this moment! After my exercise I feel my feel good hormones surging through my system! Yoga makes me feel strong and centered! Jillian Michaels, makes me body hurt, but then I feel a sense of accomplishment when I cannot lift my arm, or my leg :)! Think of exercise as an enjoyment, something like play and not a task!

5.   Every week create your weight loss plan. My clients love this system!  They enter the time they are going to work out and they also make a meal plan!

6.   Let your goals be realistic! Have the one year goal, but let each week be realistic, so when you attain it you feel triumphant, thereby creating more success.

7.   Affirmations are the key to your success! Keep positive index cards all around you, where they are mostly visible, as reminders for your success.   Affirmations like “I love my slim tummy!” “I am slim and sexy” “I enjoy wearing pretty clothes” “I enjoy my size …..".

8.   Write down all the benefits of losing  your weight. No matter how shallow the benefit might be, be real with you when writing this and read it every morning!

9.   Get an old pair of jeans, shorts that you looked fly in...Or buy a new hot pair and hang it in the front row of your closet, where it is visible every morning when you change!

10.               The most important element is to celebrate your success. Each goal that you achieve, every milestone you reach, remember to reward yourself!  Enjoy a manicure/pedicure, a spa day, a massage, a good book when you reach one of your mini goals! And when you reach your goal weight, go for a swimsuit party or have one!! J

Bonus tip: It took you a long time to put on that weight so Be patient with yourself….you can do it! 

                       Raised Hands 2

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Certified Personal Transformation Coach. I teach women and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "subscribe to be inspired" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! 
                                                   girl dancing

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