Saturday, May 12, 2012


Greetings lovely Mothers,

You don't have to be a dancer to have your own dance.

Dance therapy is one of the most beautiful, energizing and exhilarating therapies I have ever experienced. No, I do not see a dance therapist, I just turn on the music and I dance, like no one is watching me, it is freeing, it has movement, it is relaxing and I am burning those calories.

Dance is one of the various ways to connect with the divinity within you, if you are delighting in heart centeredness, like the dance that the Sufis practice, it is a meditation of light and bliss. What the Sufi dancing does is that with each movement they let the thoughts fall away from their consciousness and surrender their beings to the divine while honoring  and exalting the connection with each other.

Dance heritage of India is perhaps more than 5000 years old, this is simply what we have discovered, you know there are more mysteries that need to be revealed and unearthed. In India dance was used as a medium of worship and expression. I cannot write about dance and not mention the most celebrated and Iconic dancer - Nataraj. The dance of Shiva is eternally symbolic. He is dancing to destroy the fatigued Universe, in order to start the process of creation. The dance is supposed to have taken place in the center of the Universe. Dance is sacred!

You can use dance as a release, as a form of devotion or simply an expression of enjoyment. People who dance are usually happier than the ones who don’t because they have an outlet to release tension, stress, negativity, anxiety and replace it with natural effervescence of life!

Studies have shown… hell with studies, try it for yourself! Put on that music, and start moving. Do this for yourself, it is emotive, expressive and enchanting! Similar to exercises, dance releases those endorphins, known also to diminish depression, improve your heart health, lose that weight J and gives you an immense feeling of freedom. Dancing is primal, it is instinctive just as the rhythm of the whole Universe is. The beautifully choreographed essence of life is  the dance in your heart.

Life is your dance partner-You must lead with your heart and the Universe will choreograph for you!

I believe in you and I know you will make breakthroughs, as you have done before. I specialize in helping people make that critical shift from where they are to where they want to be.


Until tomorrow my beautiful readers, mothers, friends and perhaps foes J I invite you to dance with your heart and if you have trouble finding the rhythm I am only a phone call 609-1251 or an e-mail away.

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Friday, May 11, 2012


Recharge your batteries

Being run down and tired seemed to be part and parcel of my early motherhood days, I slept very little, I tried to do everything for the outside world but myself. I even abandoned meditation. I was burnt out! This made me feel empty, because my own needs were not being met.. but internally, doing something for myself felt somewhat selfish and egocentric.

 I thought as a mother I just had to keep doing for the child and sacrifice my time, my dreams and my desires, at least for the time being. Advice poured in about how quickly they would grow and how I would never be able to get their childhood back again! Guilt! Yes, that was very much part of early motherhood, when I was exploring my new found role!

Navigating those feelings, I slowly started to figure out that taking care of myself was really my first priority, because if I did not take care of myself then who would take care of my child?

Yes, the first thought about recharging that is probably crossing your mind is rest, right?  

I have 3 slighty different ways to recharge yourself:

1.     Take a sincere look at how you have been thinking, feeling, acting and being with yourself. Is something in your life out of alignment? Explore your behavior, your belief system and your pattern. Have you been trying too hard to do something so that you can please an external source? Look at the root cause of your energy drain. When I explored that in my early motherhood days, I discovered that I was ascribing to a role model of a mother that was perfect! The one that is always smiling and happy to be with the baby and completely forgets who she is. I had to align myself to who I was and kicked that pedestal away from my mind and decided that I was going to be the best mother I could be in my terms,  in my eyes, and not in the eyes of the beholder! This acceptance somehow gave me the confidence to  extricate myself from that sacrificial role and stand up for myself, making me a better mother/person actually.

2   Another way to recharge is to ask yourself if you are doing something that is draining your energy because you don’t like what you do. Sometimes when you go against your wishes, your heart’s desires, the mind will protest in many ways. Ask your heart what it truly wants and when you know that, honor it.

3.  Check your flow of energy and notice what, or who or where your energy is being drained into, where is the leak from? Is it a certain situation that you simply need to disconnect from, is it some kind of drama that you are getting sucked into? Is it a conflict that you need to address? When you find out what is exhausting you, then resolve it. You will find that these techniques can really help you find that natural state of vibrancy and  energetic exchange with the Universe.

I believe in you and I know you will make breakthroughs, as you have done before. I specialize in helping people make that critical shift from where they are to where they want to be.

Until tomorrow my beautiful readers, mothers, friends and perhaps foes J I invite you to master the art of goal setting and achieving those goals!

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Thursday, May 10, 2012


 Greetings Inspired Mothers,

Today I want to use your inner, powerful voice of inspiration, to feel the pulse of a collective heart can be overwhelming but concurrently exciting. Inspiration has a distinct energy as it is from spirit, it is potent and quite intoxicating. I believe that motivation is an outcome of inspiration, so motivation without inspiration is like running a movie without the film in it.
 I  see inspiration as having feminine qualities because of its creativity .

 Zen philosophy subscribes to the concept of yin and yang where every aspect of life has a male and a female quality to it. The male is the doer while the female is the creator , while believing this may not be necessary, do know that both qualities in life is essential because without action an idea is nothing, and without an idea the action is null and void.  To strike that balance we need both qualities. So get inspired first, then get motivated which will spur you to action towards success in all walks of your life. 

What is inspiration?

Inspiration is that unrelenting, powerful, feeling inside the depths of your heart, which gives you a very strong idea of what you are capable of in your mind so you can translate it to reality.
Remember to ignite your inspiration by recognizing it.

1. Burning Desire. A quote from the Upanishads "You are what your deep , driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny."   What is your burning desire? I have  perhaps never met anyone who did not have that desire in their hearts. I want to look at you in the spiritual eye right now and call your dreams forward, urge you to claim  them now, for they are yours for a purpose!

2. What is your passion? What would you rather be doing/occupation wise than anything else right now? How can you use it in a way that it serves your purpose of feeling fulfilled?

3. Take a break from TV, books, newspapers anything media related, detoxify for a day or two and listen to the sound of your own voice. Hear her/his powerful and loving expressions in your life.

5. Do some brainstorming sessions with your friends and if you want to explore further join my moms mastermind group!

What inspires me?
Everyone and Everything !

Inspiration is always connected with spirit, it is  not something that will  disappear because you have buried it deep in the recesses of your mind because you can’t, or you won’t , or you have simply given up. The profound quality of what you are supposed to bring to this Universe will stay with you until you release it from within you. Claim your uniqueness and your greatness in all possible ways beginning today.

To stay constantly connected to your inspiration, just don't think too much!  Take the time to simply feel your inner presence and bond with the spirit of the one that is driving you to your destination.

I would love to know what inspires you so please post some comments!

Until tomorrow mothers, I cannot inspire you, but I will help you find the inspiration within you. Schedule an appointment via , read by blog or subscribe to my website to get a free abundance e-course.

I believe in you and I know you will make breakthroughs, as you have done before. I specialize in helping people make that critical shift from where they are to where they want to be.
My writing spot today. Inspiring , it was! 

Until tomorrow my beautiful readers, mothers, friends and perhaps foes J I bless you with Inspired motivation.

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Synchronicity and a little serendipity made my day

I have seen it in movies, read it in books  but when it actually happened to me in the most subtle and non assuming but extremely powerful manner I began to understand the matrix , the algorithm of life, and although many coincidences have occurred in my life before, this one stands out for its simplicity and it deliverance.

My daughter  had a phenomenal teacher, a confidante, a friend and a clown (a practicing clown) all rolled in one, like a California roll, where you can enjoy all kinds of flavors in your mouth all at once, in pre-school!  Yes, she was fortunate to experience her unconventional personality!

She gave up her Rhodes scholarship to be with the kids because that was her calling and yes, she is the happiest person I have ever come across.  Now, I consider myself pretty peppy but she would put me to shame with her high spirits, really! The amazing thing was that her joviality was straight from her heart, you would feel it-there was nothing artificial there!

Like Pied Piper of Hamelin to the kids, she marched to the beat of her own drum and enchanted the kids in her magical world.  I don’t see her much these days but I can still recall her exceedingly cheerful greeting “Hello friend!”

So, it was an ordinary morning, where my daughter was not really cooperating with the clothes changing process. She wanted to go to school in her pajamas and when I finally cajoled her into wearing something else, she decided to have a fit over the socks that was grazing her pinky! After several visits to the laundry room to take my calming breaths, we finally found a pair of socks that fit her perfectly!

Just before we left, a funny thought struck me. The thought was to make some green tea for my daughter’s teacher. As I was in a hurry, I decided to ignore that request. Then my daughter wanted to visit the lady’s room, so we had to go back to the house. I had a little time to make that green iced tea .

At school and I handed the teacher the green tea and she was visibly shocked! 
She said “ Did you know that today was the day that one anonymous teacher does a good deed for the other ?  I was the anonymous one and my good deed for her was a glass of delicious iced green tea!”

I thought of all the ways we are connected to each other,  with each other. I also thought of how I almost did not make that iced tea, how if we listened, the Universe truly speaks to us in so many  ways. This time again I state the simplicity of the language of the Universe drew me to that distinct awareness  of how life shows us what we need to  know!

Always remember the instinct, the intuition is usually understated,blatancy is not quite its language unless you are extremely stubborn :). I am sure many of you have had incidents like this happen and for me bigger co-incidences have happened but this was so connected, so clearly stitched together  that it stands out in my memory as a beautiful message from the Universe to simply listen to her.

I believe in you and I know you will make breakthroughs, as you have done before. I specialize in helping people make that critical shift from where they are to where they want to be.

Until tomorrow my beautiful readers, mothers, friends and perhaps foes J I invite you to master the art of goal setting and achieving those goals!

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Beautiful Greetings Mothers,

How was your Monday? I know Mondays are a little hectic and I managed to make oven roasted beef for my daughter who loves  meat and potatoes ( not my favorite!) for dinner.  Well fifteen minutes before meal time, I peeked into the dish and poked it with a fork and oh dear…The beef was as hard as a rock! She said  the house smelled great and was really looking forward to the meal! 

I  opened  my fridge and started looking for alternatives and I found some raw chicken and tofu , both would take way too much time to make it for dinner! And then, it suddenly hit me! I did have a pressure cooker. I dumped the beef into the pressure cooker and by six o’clock the most tender beef appeared in her plate. She loved it!

While I was in the middle of scooping the beef into her plate, I got a phone call from a client. She usually does not ever call, so I thought it might be an emergency, so I answered the phone. It was not urgent but it made me think and gave me some material for my next blog!
She said she was stuck with one of her projects we had started working on and just could not find a way out of it, she needed to get unstuck and needed the project to move forward so she could achieve her goal according to the time we had set. She said she was frustrated and very stressed that she was not going to make the deadline.

She was trying too hard!

These were the tips I gave her:

1.     Goals are not set in stone, it is  malleable and that is the beauty of life. When the goals are set in such a way that you would want nothing else besides that particular target, then you are closing the doors to everything else that the Universe has to offer. Be flexible, be open to finding different ways or even a different outcome. Release the attachment to the outcome.

2.     The way to be flexible is by giving 100% on whatever you are working on and then leave the rest to the Universe. You cannot control what happens after that!

3.     You have heard plenty about the Law of Attraction, now let us explore a little of Law of Reverse effect. Have you ever tried so hard and nothing has worked for you? Simple example is swimming, in order for your body to be buoyant you need to relax, if you tense up your muscles you are likely to drown. It is like when you forget a word, a name of a movie, author of a book and you try and try to remember and then when you give comes to you either in the middle of the night or when you are brushing your teeth. When you relax, ideas and creativity enter your psyche without any resistance and you can flow easily with the Universe. It is the same with your goals. Don’t try so hard that you are frustrated.

4.           Stress is the result of your expectations not being met, and for sure this opportunity is presented to you at any given time of the day.    Frustration consumes too much of your energy  that can be utilized into something good. Stress causes so much dysfunction in your physiology including suppressing your immune system, slowing down digestion and preventing you from making good decisions. So, take that breather and the five minutes of calm.

5.     Step away from the issue. Take a break. Here is a really good tip from Napoleon Hill’s  book “Think and grow Rich”. Walk away from the problem and before you go to sleep ask it to be solved. From my personal experience, many problems have been solved in my sleep. Try it! 

I believe in you and I know you will make breakthroughs, as you have done before. I specialize in helping people make that critical shift from where they are to where they want to be.

Until tomorrow my beautiful readers, mothers, friends and perhaps foes J I invite you to master the art of goal setting and achieving those goals!

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I am a Life Coach and I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal  leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding  profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC