Thursday, June 28, 2012


Good afternoon mothers,

Just another day here as the sun has presented the day with the sprawls of heat making outside conditions almost unbearable-the humidity is making an amphibian out of me! I am and will always be a mountain girl , although the  years away from the crispness of the air has been cumulative,  it has not broken the continuity  of fresh air that my being craves for,  like a second channel in my mind.

This morning after many attempts to get my daughter out of bed, she succumbed with a series of half-hearted attempts and finally pulled herself out of bed. She had to be at art camp by 9 AM and she was moseying out of bed at about 8.

She wanted bacon and pancakes for breakfast which was not as quick as cereal!

The art camp is about 20 minutes from our home. After a succession of threats, promises, cajoling and finally giving up she scrambled in the car with her favorite soft toy, marshmallow, a bunny. Even the toy bunny had an attitude!

Her Toy Bunny

The sun was keen as a polished knife, the traffic  was hectic and as we were entering the canal road which is just a one lane traffic, a car towing a huge fishing boat, pulled up in front of us! 55 miles/per traffic and this boat pulling car in front of us was doing a maximum of 40 mile/per hour. I absolutely wanted to scream! 

I decided to calm down and enjoy the drive with my daughter who had a fascinating dream.
“Mama..overtake the car.. this is bad..we will be late”
“ It’s fine, it is not school and let us simply enjoy this time together, so did you sleep well darling?”
“ Yes, I had a dream..”
“tell me about it..”

“Well..there was a beautiful beach. From the beach I could see a lot of dolphins. The sky was very blue and then suddenly an Indian girl came to the beach and she was wearing an old, drab  sari… She started singing beautifully. She was happy when she sang and the more she sang the more colorful and vibrant her sari became…..”

“Wow.. how beautiful was your dream !”


At that moment, it did not matter if we were late, if she had behaved sullenly and was belligerent towards me. The moment stood still and infinity flowed into the instant. I am glad we slowed down. I am glad we were late. I am glad we shared that beautiful moment inside a car.
My heart opened up to gratitude and deep appreciation of synchronized moments.
God bless you  all reading my blogs….I want to let you know all products in my website is 10% off. Please take this opportunity to expand your mind and achieve your dreams.

Here is the most recent testimonial “I must admit when I first listened to your CD, I was somewhat skeptical about what it could do for me. Especially, when it put me to sleep each time. But, thanks to your patience in helping me find the perfect time to listen to it, I am reaping the benefits of your program. I have found the inner strength to get a great start on the weight I wanted to lose, and I am sure your help is a big part of that determination to stick with a program, as well as making the important lifestyle changes necessary to succeed.” Susan Harlan

Have a mindful day!

My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "join this site" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!
©alivewithadwiti LLC

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