Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Greetings and salutations Moms,

Today was a busy day for me. I had plenty to do, but I have started to look forward to blogging with you guys. Between working with clients, taking care of household chores and driving my daughter to her respective after school activities, I definitely had to apply my 5 minutes of Calm several times day.

This 5 minutes of Calm is a stress relief technique that I have created to give me access to the instant calm within.

 It takes only 5 minutes !
1.     The first minute, find a quiet corner, even the bathroom is fine (no one will disturb you!)
2.     The second minute take long deep breaths.  Count each inhale and exhale for 10 seconds. This will send oxygen surging to the brain, the spinal cord and all your nerves and since the nervous system communicates with all parts of your body , your whole body will appreciate the energizing boost, calming your nerves and helping you find some clarity.
3.     Third minute; while still inhaling and exhaling deeply,  close your eyes and start relaxing your limbs, consciously sending relaxing energy to your legs , your arms and then your whole body.
4.     Fourth minute; Keep breathing and tell yourself everything will be okay. This sends signals to your brain and the Universe to make things okay. This statement is basically aligning yourself with the highest intention and letting God/Universe help you. You are not alone.
5.     Last minute of the five: Give your hands a hand massage, rubbing them together, massaging each finger, as you wiggle your toes, hold your head up high and take a deep breath, smile and open your eyes to a new perspective.
Bonus: Smile 

Do this several times a day, it is  a mini recharge session. University of Wisconsin-Stout study found out that a few minutes of meditation, can help with feeling positive as it charges up the feel good parts of the brain. But you don’t have to worry about studies and statistics, you only have to take  5 minutes for yourself and believe me, you will feel so much smoother and calmer in your daily activities.  Make this a regular habit for your own peace of mind!

Take five mothers!
Until tomorrow beautifuls, Enjoy your day!

As usual if you have any questions or comments I am here to help you!
I also teach moms (also via Skype sessions) to identify and release the blockages that hold them back, to find within them the  empowerment to gain clarity of vision and achieve  their life-long dreams and find profound success , fulfillment and peace.

©alivewithadwiti LLC
©alivewithadwiti LLC
P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

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