Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Greetings Wonderful mothers and all who read my blogs,

There were many thoughts coursing through many channels of my brain, as I was waiting for my daughter in the car line to pick her up after school! I was a little early and I was checking my emails and phone messages. 

Different voices  reminded me of all the work that had to be done, or if it had been done in a timely fashion. My website needed attention, my little dog Momo needed a bath..what were we fixing for dinner…. hoped that there was the salad in the fridge ( sent a text to my husband to ask him to check), did I remember to order the video of my daughter’s recital…when all of a sudden a flash of lightening illuminated the area and the dark nimbus clouds broke loose and down came the rain….


Now, if you have been reading my blogs, I guess you already know that I love the rain.
The rhythm, the cleansing, the release all happens in one synchronized event..it is cathartic!
The rain washed away all of my thoughts, cleansed it and brought me back to this powerful moment –NOW!

We all need a little rain sometimes, to connect to the power of cleansing, we all need that once in a while, to wash away our concerns and as it rejuvenates us and gives our souls a dynamic bath!

Rain is metaphorical, it has the ability to purify and cleanse our entire being, it also has the ability help us rest and rejuvenate. Rain is also an act of creativity, resourcefulness and restoration. Rain helps with the cooling down process in the earth. Rain provides water, something that we just cannot live without.

Ask yourselves today:

1.   What do I need to cleanse from my life today? What do I need to wash away?
2.   Where do I need to cool down, where am I doing too much that I need to rest?
3.   What significant thing, feeling, emotion, purpose are you needing in your life right now that you just cannot do without but have been really putting it off, by placing other things, people before you.

Let me know, more so let yourself know this truth. Dig deep..and yes Cleanse. I am here for you as always.

I will be starting a inner circle group within my website for a nominal price in a few weeks, so I can help you liberate yourself from the old disempowering ways and realize your greater potential as a mother/woman. I will help you connect to the energy of the mother, the energy of the female who is so powerful and magnificent and yes completely within you!


My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Life Coach. I teach moms and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!

P.S. sign up for my blog/follow me or go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on that one! ENJOY!

©alivewithadwiti LLC
Photography  © Neema Doma


  1. Beauty- I love the rain too! (the next rain in AZ, may come by July..maybe.. ;)

    Cleanse away all the have to's and feel blessed with what one has...the precious present

    thank you for your wonderful words!

  2. Adwiti~ a beautiful read! Thank you! Have never thought of the rain in this manner. This is making me think about all the times that I grumbled away because it was raining. Time to look at the positive in every situation & reflect.
