Greetings beautiful people from all over the world,
Do you wake up groggy, tired, irritated and angry?
Or do you wake up feeling just moderately happy?
You are not alone!
I have some good news!
Here are five simple ways to wake up feeling great and sustaining the feeling throughout the course of the day.
These steps will work if you consistently work at it; these are pleasant things to work on though.
Think about it! Worrying, getting negative, self pitying are toxic emotions that you have been nurturing in your mind and your mind is a continuous system that needs constant cleansing, clearing and nurturing. Being governed by “what goes in must come out”, this mind will process all negatives through your mental , emotional and physical self, like an absorbent sponge, it will take in anything you think, feel or say without discrimination and spit it out without discrimination.
Bad thoughts = Bad feelings and bad mental and physical well being.
Good thoughts = Good feelings and good mental and physical well being.
So let us start by changing your morning ritual .

1. Set your alarm 10 minutes before you wake up and meditate. I am making more brief, free, less than 10 minutes meditations for busy people just like you to tune the vibration of the mind with the music of the Universe.
Here is the link:
I would appreciate if you would leave a comment, “like” it or share it so you can support me with the advertising to heal the world one guided meditation at a time. Thank you.
2. After the meditation, smile. Smile brings good feelings to your heart. In fact throughout the day make it a point to smile at yourself . Everytime you look at the mirror ,find one good thing about yourself and smile from your navel. ENJOY the self appreciation.
3. Gratitude and appreciation. This is perhaps the most important part of the ritual. I know sometimes you may feel there is nothing to be grateful for, but take a moment and feel grateful for being alive, for having a family, friends, and pets. Feel the gratitude in your heart.
4. Read for 10 minutes, something uplifting. Yes! Don’t turn on the TV or the news first thing. Keep your mind open to the newness and the goodness of the Universe.
5. Visualize a beautiful day ahead. Visualize throughout the day happiness, success, enjoyment and fulfillment. Visualizing pulls your day together, organizing your thoughts, your beliefs, your views and your mindset to a more positive light, enabling you to take positive actions.
Have a fabulous day and please share the meditations! I appreciate you.

As always I am here for you…..Thank you for evolving in this journey with me. Be blessed, be connected, be you..........
My name is Adwiti Subba Haffner and I am a Certified Personal Transformation Coach. I teach women and anyone else (also via Skype sessions) to make that internal leap from where you are to where you want to be in the external world from achieving your most audacious dreams to finding profound success , fulfillment and inner peace. Check out my testimonials and invest in yourself and let us make that leap forward!!
P.S. Follow my blog by clicking on "subscribe to be inspired" and also go to my website to get a free abundance e-course. Lots of good feedback on
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